Men of Reddit how do you react when a female in your life asks you to purchase feminine hygiene products

  1. The only woman who did was my mom and I went to bring her the things she needed. Not a big issue. There’s nothing to react to lol.

  2. I say “Which ones do you need?” and pick her up some chocolate cake while I’m at it. Maybe get myself a snack while I’m there..

  3. Same way as if I’m asked to buy bread or milk. Maybe a 16 year old would react badly

  4. I say sure, no problems. BUT I’ll make sure to ask for a picture of the box or some way to make sure I get the right one because if I guess or assume then I know I’ll be wrong.

  5. I purchase them.

    My only frustration is the sizes and brands. I’m told to go to so and so store. Ok done. Told to buy X size. Done. But not THAT brand. Well, shit.

  6. I routinely buy tampons for my wife. Don’t flinch.

    Did the same things for my daughters.

    Not an issue.

  7. I ask them to send me a pic or description of what they need, then I go buy it and hope I got it right.

  8. Send me a pic of whatever is needed and I’ll buy it. It’s never made me pause and definitely doesn’t make me feel like less of a man.

    I know a dude who brags that he won’t buy them when his wife asks him to. Not sure why he thinks this is something to brag about, but he does.

  9. I go buy it just take a picture first there are shelves and shelves and shelves I had to grab a stocker to help me lol

  10. The same way you refer to “men” you should refer to “women”, not to every animal of that sexual persuasion.

  11. Ask her to send me a link to it so I know what to look for, and I can ask the staff where it is.

    I swear she chooses the hardest most obscure stuff she can think of to get me to buy..

  12. I went and got what they needed. When I was single I had a little basket in a drawer in the bathroom with a variety of tampons and pads with cleaning wipes and other feminine hygiene products. Just in case something happened.

  13. I’ve never been able to understand the concept of a man being embarrassed to buy something like sanitary pads or tampons. They’re just a product; a product that a quarter of the population uses.

    Would a woman feel embarrassed buying aftershave for her father/brother/son/partner?

  14. Ask her to take a picture of what she wants. Because no matter what colors, descriptions, mascots, whatever…. that she tells me….. I am going to come home with the wrong one.

    It was good practice for having a daughter. Because my wife’s presence is not in sync with our daughter’s period.

    Pro tip. If there is an important woman in your life that is under a certain age, keep some in your glove compartment.

    And dads, make sure you know the first date of your daughter’s last period in case you take her to the doctor.

  15. This shouldn’t be an issue at all. The other day my daughter needed me to get some pads for her. I was in Walgreens on a video call with her making sure I got her the right ones. I would never want to make her feel weird about her period.

  16. An approximation of the last time this happened:

    “… sure. What brand/type?”
    “Whatever they’ve got on hand.”
    “No… be specific. This shit is Greek to me. I will use these for dire injuries when no pressure bandage is handy. They will never see their intended purpose unless you make or clear which ones you want.”

    15 minutes later… I stand before an impenetrable wall of feminine products with brands and features I have never heard of. Shit has more potential functions than my Leatherman tool. I call, she doesn’t answer. I call again. Same. A sweet old lady passes by…

    “Excuse me, ma’am, question for you. My roomate uses x brand and type, but I don’t see that here. Do you have any suggestions for a substitute? This may as well be in mandarin Chinese for all the sense it makes to me. ”
    “Honey, it’s been decades since I needed any of this crap.”
    “You’re still better equipped than me to pick one that’ll work based on that info.”
    “You’re not wrong…”
    A teenager passes by….
    “You! You you know your way around the tampons and shit. Help this nice man out. His… roomate? (I nod) needs help and he’s all she’s got.”

    30 minutes later… 5 different women are attempting to help me. Ended up leaving with 6 different options after making the cashier laugh so hard she was crying.

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