What helps you to start feel sexy again when you havent for a while?

  1. Shaving, eyebrows, nails, hair, make up… and not necessarily going out and paying a professional, but just even doing it myself helps boost my mood and self esteem. When I pamper myself, it leaves me open to receive more pampering and attention from others, especially sexual.

  2. Buying lingerie and doing my own photo shoot. I do this atleast once a month. And when I feel down I look through that folder in my phone. It works wonders for me.

  3. A skin care routine. It could be something as simple as taking time after a shower to apply serum, moisturizer and essential oil.

  4. getting all shaved, doing my skincare routine, buying new matching bra and pantie sets, etc

  5. Ovulation.
    I can be having a bad hair day, wearing a potato sack between laundry cycles, smudged makeup from yesterday and no sleep… But if I start ovulating, BAM I feel sexy

  6. Haven’t felt sexy in a looong time. I hope that feeling finds its way back to me because I feel like I’ve lost it years ago.

  7. Lingerie that falters my body type and wearing it for myself. Looking good for others can be stressful, but when I look good for my own enjoyment? It’s the best

  8. Dancing to rock ‘n roll music. I’m not particulary good at dancing but it sure does feel good

  9. Dancing and sexy music. My body just looks so *good* while I’m doing it. I’ll keep the lights dim so I don’t fixate on my flaws.

  10. What other folks are saying! Usually I start feeling bad when I get out of my routine too, so it might be getting back into the gym, getting diet on point, etc. (which always makes me feel better in general and by extension, more confident). And then it’s investing in some cute lingerie or outfits, getting nails done/waxed (if that’s your thing, I just prefer it) maybe getting hair done, a little glammed up, and going out – and, of course, taking pictures!

  11. idk if this counts, but for me, it was when i worked out a lot and alongside my weight loss. i had clothes i kept that didn’t fit, and when i tried them on again, they suddenly fit and it made me feel good. other than that, it’s putting on mascara!

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