Long story short we met by chance, we hit it off on my last night in Miami back in august and we stayed at the same hotel together. (We live a state away from each other, he is a 6 hour drive for me/1 hour flight) We stayed in communication for 3 months long distance while I was doing a trip in Asia. We FaceTimed often and talk for hours on end. We planned to meet each other back in august, had all the flight and hotel booked for Halloween weekend, but he canceled on me the week before due to a family emergency. I was really looking forward to this trip as this trip would put a label on our relationship. I expressed understanding and encouraged him to be with his family instead of worrying about us. After this, we stopped talking. We have follow each other on Instagram and he hearts all my story posts. I feel like he’s giving me mixed signals. I don’t want to be annoying so I also haven’t texted or talk to him directly. Maybe he thinks I’m uninterested. I’m so confused, we had a very big spark and was looking forward to a trip with each other and it was cancelled last minute and now we’re completely not talking. Do I ask him directly what he’s feeling? I’m not the type of girl to be pushy. I definitely still have feelings for him. Our spark felt like soul mate spark. I never feel this way about guys.

  1. Nope, don’t chase him. ✌🏻 If he wanted to talk to you, you two would be talking. Move on.

  2. Just because you felt this spark, doesn’t mean he did. Sadly, guys will give attention to just about anyone that shows interest in them, unless they are getting that attention from the one they really want. If he were really interested, you would know.

    When we care about someone and are interested in them, we chase them because they become part of our support systems. If it there were truly a family emergency, I would want to spend time with my partner even more.

    ‘Hi sorry I will need to postpone our date because my dad got admitted into hospital for a stent and I have a lot on my mind, when are you available next please?’

    ‘Hi sorry I feel really bad about this but our family cat just died and everybody is feeling rather low, including myself. I am however, available on -this day- can we meet then?

    And these are just for a few particular days. Planning something months in advance and then cancelling beforehand just shows that you were perhaps not really looking forward to it.

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