I can’t do this anymore. My husband abuses me and turns everything against me. I was truly an innocent girl once upon a time but not anymore. This marriage with a monster had turned me into a devil. Not looking for any advice. This is something I want to scream to the whole world. I tried my best and failed miserably. I don’t love him, never ever loved him. I want my kid though. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? All I want is some kind words. Please. I have no one to talk to and struggling to pass every day.

  1. Do you have a plan that you are actually going to set in motion? Sorry that you are going through this.

  2. Nothing. I have pretended in front of my family and friends that I have a perfect marriage and so no one knows about anything that I am going through.

  3. I’m sorry you are going through that. You deserve better and so does your kid. Call 211 and tell a trusted family member or friend. Stop putting on a show for them and for him. You can do it. Find the strength to be brave and lead a good example for your kid. It will be hard but so will staying with him and losing yourself

  4. Start recording the abuse so you have evidence ( if your state allows) to present to the police to get a protective order. You don’t want to share custody of your child but what happens to your kid if you are dead? I know it’s hard. I really do. You need to call a DV hotline and start preparing to leave. Talk to your family. You will get out of this. Fight not just for you but for your child as well.

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