I’m 23 years old and graduated college 6 months ago. I have never dated and have never had a job, I can’t even drove because of epilepsy (hopefully will be able to drive soon, I was on the middle of learning when I was diagnosed). The truth is no woman wants to date a poor man who is living at home with his mother with no job and can’t drive so it’s better to focus on my career along with building connections during my 20s and date in my 30s when you have your career together and are making a lot of money, then the hardest part of life is out of the way. I am very behind everyone else my age and all this free time I’ve had to think makes this seem like the best option. If a girl asks my ugly self out I wouldn’t turn it down but I would never pursue it with where I am currently at in life, I’m like a 0/10. So my plan on life is to get skills and work experience then work my way up in a career. I really messed up in college by not socializing, not paying attention in class, and not picking a career path.

  1. I really hope you can start to focus on what you do have and not on what you don’t. Unless you are a top 5% guy, most women will not be asking you out off the street. However, many women would love to have a friend who is into the same hobbies or interests as them.

    Consider volunteering for a local shelter or other charity where you can meet and interact with others.

  2. There are people in their 30’s who are in similar positions. When I was 23 I had never dated and was just starting my first full FT job, and was living with my parents. I did buy my condo (which I still live in) a year later and moved out when I was 24, but that was a different time and prices were different back then. Keep trucking forward and find something that interests you, keep up the exercise and keep a good diet etc. Everything will come together eventually if you take action.

  3. Bro…

    Stop navel gazing. Its not helpful or attractive (to anyone) to be so introspective and critical of one’s self.

    You’ve just graduated, have cheap rent and are about to get a licence: should be living it up, instead you’re on here talking about how you’re ugly and girls don’t want you..

    Fam, just go outside and start living your life. Get away from social media hustle/dating culture views and just take a year to be your best self for your own reasons.

    Stop trying so hard and be happy is what I’m trying to say because you have no reason not to be. Go outside young man, do things with people there.

  4. I’m sorry you feel down, man. Life looks like shit sometimes, but I guarantee you if you pick something and get good at it, be a good person to others, and keep a positive attitude, women will want to date you. Focus on yourself!

  5. I’m not sure what your question is but the good news is you can start taking steps toward living the life you want to right now. Time to make a plan, and execute. I’m not sure it’s completely healthy to view your life through the lens of dating because this is about YOU and your experience with YOUR time on this planet.

  6. I’ve read everything you’ve said here. My advice is to start now:
    1. Get in great shape. Work out hard. Start now. You can do it. Also read books offline. Older the better.
    2. Go find the one professor you lose connected with is school (or high school) and ask to meet for coffee and advice. Listen a lot. Then ask them who they might recommend you meet with next. Keep that going.
    3. Save money and stay at our parents house. It’s not a bad shameful thing, as long as you keep working on yourself. It’s a lot more common and sensible than you think.

  7. Time to start focusing on what you do have and start making small progressive steps from there. Stop the self pity party as it will get you no where.

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