I recently went out with a girl and the first date went really and we really clicked. We have been texting a good amount during the week. I asked her to get dinner during the week and she canceled last minute because she said she was busy with work. I feel like I’ve been getting mixed signals from her and was gonna break it off but I asked her to hang out this weekend and she said she was busy but then invited me to hang out with her and her friends. Is this a good or bad sign? I can’t really tell and based on the mixed signals and I’m confused. Any advice would be awesome!

  1. Go. If you don’t meet her friends, you can’t have a threesome with her friends. Assuming you’re suave, that is.

  2. I don’t like it. Early to meet friends. That’s not a date and it’s not intimate. It can also be awkward. That being said, I’m sure many guys would disagree with me.

  3. Could be a good sign, could be a bad sign. If she was flaky and relatively unresponsive it’s possible she wants her friends to meet you so that they can give their input on whether they think she should date you fr or not. It’s not usually a good sign when a girl wants you to meet her friends/family or tell your friends/family about her very early on. Personally I don’t see this as a good sign and I would decline her offer and not talk to her anymore, doesn’t mean you should or that it’s the best option it’s just what I would do. 🚩🚩🚩🚩from this girl

  4. Too early to meet her friends. I would recommend more one on one time before she starts introducing you to her friends and family.

  5. I personally wouldn’t like it.. 2nd date? Yes you text, but you barely know this person face to face.

    It’s either going to be too much attention towards you, or not enough. I want to get to know her, not her friends. Also, who knows how much judgment her friends are going to pass on to her about you. Yeah, it’ll prob happen in the future, but at least you’ll have had ample time to get to know each other on a non electronic level..

    How would she like it if you took her on a 2nd date and all your guy friends were there?

    *have you asked her if your friends can come too? Don’t want to feel awkward outnumbered

  6. NEVER involve friends and family in early dating phases. Tell her to go have fun with her friends. Make one more attempt and setting a firm one-on-one date. Any pushback, you walk.

  7. What bothers me is that whenever you plan something she’s busy but somehow she’s magically free the moment you don’t ask her?

    I personally wouldn’t mess with a chick who gives mixed signals but you can try it out & see what’s up.

  8. Good luck don’t fuck up think about what you say or how you move 🫡 time for the test foo study hard lol

  9. Honestly bro., it’s cool she wants you to meet her friends but it seems like she’s hanging out with you when it suits her. In other words when you want to she’s not available, she’ll ask you over if she’s bored, or rather when she feels like it. Less intimate. A relationship goes both ways, such as communication G. GL

  10. What mixed signals? Depending on her work it makes sense she might have to cancel. Invite with friends might be a compromise. Like she wants to hang out and already had plans so why not both? I’d approach dating with an open mind and understanding. Generally speaking most people aren’t intentionally shitty. If someone is being a dick, and you have the empathy and open mindedness they look bad not you.

  11. Mate, go. Treat it like your normal friend get-together and don’t be too shy. Make jokes and act as if the whole thing is a bonfire and you are all roasting sausages on sticks around it. And I MEAN IT. I have a history of making a good impression to the friends of my girlfriends and this is how I’ve been doing it. (Making good impressions to the girl’s parents too, so bonus points there, same fashion but add respect for the elderly to the mix).
    Tips for you:
    -strong eye contact with all of them
    -filterless conversation about subject you TRULY are invested in (they need to see that you’re passionate and not some generic boring dude)
    -make jokes of your liking but calibrated to the situations you find yourselves in
    -a bit of self humor goes a long way

    and finally, if her best mate Gorlock the Destroyer comes to the hangout and tries to roast you, reply by taking the roast further in a funny fashion (Example: “I bet your winner is very small” / Answer “yeaah, I had to bring her a magnifying glass when we first did it”) you get the point.

    TL DR; go and have fun, if there is no fun then cut further contact with ALL of them.

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