I need some advice and thank you in advance if you read thru this… lol.
Background- Husband (36m) and I (35f) have been married 15 years. We’ve had our issues over the years, but in the past few months, we’ve been working to be better. 👍

Move to my issue – Something flipped, and we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other. It’s like we’re 20 again. Sex has always been good, but to keep it exciting, we’ve been dabbling into BDSM. I also found out he’s really into POV and ameture porn. So I sent him some videos of myself the other night.
He loves em and has been telling me how hot I am and adked me to keep making them. I, however, feel so goofy! How do you get over that!?
I have always been too shy to tell him my kinks, and when I do, his mind’s blown (asks why he’s never seen this side to me)
1- Im afraid he’ll think Im weird or too much.
2- Im self-conscious about my weight gain after kids. He likes thicker girls, I however feel like a busted can of biscuts. Toss on some strappy lingerie, and I look like a tied porkroast 😆
3- I have a hard time reaching orgasm, even with toys. It is embarrassing and makes me anxious.

How do you get out of your head? And ladies how do you feel comfortable in your skin?

  1. It’s way easier said than done, but just recognizing that he thinks you’re sexy. I also get self conscious of some poses and sex acts but ultimately seeing the way my husband looks at me gets me out of my head. I feel silly but he’s acting like I’m a goddess lol

    Also getting stoned helps me a LOT.

  2. Haha, I was just gonna say, get stoned! I definitely understand where you’re coming from, and encourage you to tell him what you like, despite what the negative Nancy in your head is saying. Easier said than done, ofc, but it’s practice.

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