Assuming that the typical work day is 9 – 5 PM (I know that many people have alternate work schedules), I’m curious what your 5 – 9 PM routine that helps you be social (if you want) and generally enjoy life.



  1. Not what you want to hear, but I hop on my computer for 3 hours, shower and go to bed. I usually go to the gym at 5:30am, otherwise I’d lump it here.

    Sometimes I’ll chat with my roommates a few minutes, but my actual close friends and family live 2 hours away. Maybe I’ll see them 1-2 times a month, otherwise I’ll be on Discord in case they hop on.

  2. Gym, dancing bachata and Kizomba, hanging out with friends, playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, and lately doing DMT

  3. Talk to my mom on the phone during my hour car ride home. Cook dinner once I get home, then get on my computer and play an mmo until I’m exhausted about 8:30 when I go to bed to wake up at 5:30 am and do it all over again.

  4. I started a my new job/career along side got myself a personal trainer

    This is what my schedule looks like

    I wake up at 4AM to do fasted cardio , I drive back home get ready and do my hour commute to work (7-4pm, I then eat 3 of my 4 meals) , I then do my workout from 4:30-about 6

    I then go home , spent time with my family and relax and prep for the next day

  5. I usually get home and get on my computer to play some games with friends. Through out the night I will read and do some tutorials.

  6. 6am-6:45am Get ready/commute
    7am-4pm Work
    4:15pm-5:15pm Gym
    5:30pm-6:30pm FaceTime my GF while I shower and eat dinner so we can catch each other up about our day
    6:30pm-10pm Personal time for TV, Videogames, Phone scrolling
    10pm is bed time

  7. I do karate twice a week, on other day i go to classes (weird ik) or take the car and go driving. I like driving to random local neighborhood

  8. Walk dog, find something to eat, watch an hour or two of TV, go to bed, read for a bit, fall asleep. Maybe some shopping in there if I need anything.

    Friday night I can usually find someone to go get food and a couple beers with but otherwise that’s about it.

  9. Once I get home, I relax for a bit before hitting the gym, then go back home to shower. After that, I go out and hang with a few friends, whether it be eat or just sit and talk at someone’s house.

  10. I’m in recovery and live in a halfway house, and i also am back in school so my 5-9 looks like this

    Come home eat,
    Take a shower,
    Study for 1 hour,
    Get dressed,
    Go to a meeting,
    Come home and get comfortable, and
    Watch tiktok until I fall asleep

  11. Home by 5.

    Vacuum, shave, shower, cook supper and read until bedtime. Turn on tv while I’m falling asleep.

    Or,,,, vacuum, shave, shower, get dressed and go on a date.

  12. it’s one of the 3 possible routines depending how much energy I have:
    * Option 1: Gym followed by shitposting on the internet or disappointment
    * Option 2: video games for like an hour followed by shitposting on the internet or disappointment
    * Option 3: A nap followed by disappointment upon waking up

    life after covid has not been very fulfilling for me to say the least lol

  13. > what’s your 5 – 9 PM routine that helps you be social

    You mean on a working day after work? Best I can do is, or call family/friend. Unless it’s weekend there is usually not enough time/sun/energy after 5pm to go out anyway.

  14. 6am-8pa Triathlon Training

    8am-5pm Work (Home Office)

    5pm-6pm getting ready for the gym

    6pm-8pm gym + driving home

    8pm-9pm counter-strike

    9pm-11pm dinner+Netflix with waifu

    11pm sleep

  15. wake up around 10, play ps5 for a bit, eat, shower, go to work at 2-8:30 sometimes 9 then get on school work till 10-11 and then call my boyfriend and stay up playing ps5 till late and repeat.

  16. I go to Pilates, shower, make dinner, clean, and go to bed. I save my social battery for the weekend where I typically go out on Saturday’s and do something small like a dinner Friday night.

  17. I go home, walk the dog, make dinner, eat dinner, watch youtube, contemplates doing something (maybe more work), then scroll IG/YT for a while and go to bed.

  18. Trying to stay healthy by exercising eating, sleeping cleaning, listening to podcasts. How do you make friends who visit?

  19. I take a nap, sometimes work out doing an activity I like (usually martial arts), and then do a handful of social activities each week with friends—D&D, dinners, movies, bars, that kind of thing. I also leave a few hours each week to do my own thing (i.e. veg out on YouTube and do nothing productive). It’s pretty good, but I make it a strict policy to work absolutely no overtime and I only get about 6 hours of sleep each night.

  20. Music Production. I create a bunch of songs in my head all the time, but haven’t had the chance to actually make them until now. I want to be in my later years in my life knowing I tried everything I ever wanted to try.
    I have friends who are skilled at it and it’s a challenge talking to them about it knowing I’m in a place of inexperience.
    I spend my 9-5 in a place where I know what I’m doing so it’s a nice change of pace.

  21. Read books, mix of grocery shopping or getting extravagant meals freshly cooked on the counter, dance or jump to music, play Legos or drawing — until it’s time to prepare dinner. Then either cook or go on with the list, whatever the little princess wants to do. 🙂
    (bed routine afterwards, then cleaning and preparing for the next day and on good days have half an hour to an hour to have at least a tiny bit of conversation).

  22. I got into social dancing in my city and have been taking lessons for the last couple of years and have made quite a few friends with the other folks who show up regularly there! I do that once a week. Otherwise, I get together to watch a movie or some reality TV show with a friend some nights. I’ve gotten really into paint by numbers lately and will spend some nights doing that after I make dinner.

    I’m pretty extroverted, so I’m really glad to have made the friends I have through social dancing! If I’m ever feeling bored or lonely I can usually find someone who is down to do something with me. Sometimes it’s just both of us doing a puzzle while watching something in the background. I’m in my 20s, if it helps to know.

    Obviously I make time for groceries and laundry and chores throughout the week.

  23. I think here, you’re gonna get a redditor bias. People that are social generally wouldn’t come across this subreddit or post. I’m not social and I have the same answer as everyone else, video games

  24. It’s a 7-7 but anyway… Grab something quick to eat, quick shower unless I need to shave my head, play Baldur’s Gate 3 (by myself) until about 9 or 9:30, read until I fall asleep. Sometimes the wife and I will FaceTime before I hop on BG3, which I guess is kind of socializing, otherwise I’m just socializing with game NPC’s

  25. I’m a part of a group that gets together and picks a fruit or vegetable to throw at people walking around outside Country clubs and gated communities. This week it’s pickles.

  26. 4pm: Feed and take my dog out.

    5pm: cook and eat dinner.

    7:30pm: go to the gym or workout in some fashion.

    8:30pm: tackle some sort of hobby like drawing or knitting or crafting while I put on some mindless TV. Or video games. Or reading.

    I usually go to bed pretty late, around 12am or so. And then I wake up at 8:30am and do it all over again.

  27. I am really not a spontaneous person at all so if I’m doing something on a weekday, I planned it ahead of time. Usually just going out for a bite with a friend or two

    If I don’t have plans and I want to be social it’ll usually be in some multiplayer game or streaming an episode of something over discord. If I’m not (more often than not lol) my evening is some combination of gaming, self improvement, and exploring my city.

  28. Wake up at 9 am..

    Work from 10 am to 5 pm..

    Pre-workout food at 6.30..

    Gym from 7 to 8:30.

    Shower at 9 pm.

    Dinner at 9:45.

    Video game/Movie/Music Production at 10 pm till 11pm. (Currently playing Mad Max for the third time 🙂

    I don’t have friends whom we can hangout with together, but I’m contend being alone.. although sometimes i feel afraid that I’m alone or that uneasiness feeling would make me uncomfortable.

  29. Kickboxing class, improv class, run 5k-10k at a park , hangout with friends. Depending on the day. Today is improv class, my final show case 😳

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