My (22F) girlfriend kissed 106 other men before she had a relationship with (24M) me. I know this is her past and I have no control over this, but still this gnaws at me. She is super-loyal and hasn’t had sex with many people either (6) so I don’t really have a reason to think so negatively about this. Also, I know she regrets kissing so many people. She was mentally unstable and very much into pleasing people, therefore she often couldn’t say no.
What should I do with this? How can I deal with this? I know I just have to let it go, but I have no idea how. I also talk to her about it and that helps a little, but not completely.

  1. See if it bothers you that much you can leave her. Its just her past, now she is with you she is committed with you and she is loyal to you. Why do you care about her past? Just let it go. Simple. She didnt hurt anyone. She did nothing wrong. If you consider her a red flag then you are also right. No body is wrong. If her past is that important to you then you can leave her. If not then be with her. Simple. Dont shame her.

  2. 106 is very specific..
    You can either work on your own insecurities or break up with her

  3. You should kiss 106 men yourself. I can be your first if you’re interested.

    Seriously tho, why do you care? It’s just kisses. I’ve probably kissed that many people in my life too. I don’t keep a list like your girl does, but what does it matter?

    If you love and trust her, stay with her. If you don’t, leave. It’s easy.

  4. Did you know that Streptococcus mutans the bacteria that causes cavities is actually contagious and if you don’t have it you’ll probably never have to worry about tooth decay. But you probably have it now so yeah brush them teeth.

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