These past 3 years it has felt like my social skills has progressively declined. I have been told that the pandemic has that affect and has made life felt like we have lost a couple years and I couldn’t agree more.. but what I have been going though mentally has been before the pandemic and I don’t believe that is the sole reason. I have had friends in High School and when I graduated in 2019 mostly everyone I knew was going to a university and I felt stuck because I couldn’t go. I started community college September 2019 and I was failing miserably, not connecting with anyone in my classes, when I tried to it felt like no one was interested. I withdrew out of school right before the pandemic hit and ever since then it has been hard to get back in the flow of things. I try to reach out to friends I had for 7+ years but they had no interest in talking to me, I think it’s because I am still in the same place I have always been and they do not want to associate with that. I understand that I have always struggled with the same mental issues and they probably do not want to hear or deal with it anymore, it is an everyday thing and exhausting so I understand why they do not want to be friends with someone like that. I try to make friends over the years and I have made one. But whenever I feel like she is upset with me or anything I spiral and feel like my whole world is ending. I don’t know why I feel like this when it comes to friendships, I have a loving relationship and it’s great, but with friends it’s like a different world and I can not seem to connect with anyone or seem interesting enough for others to want to be my friend. I don’t even know why I am posting this but I guess I just wanted to know if I am not the only one who is disconnected from everyone around them . I feel like I have missed a huge chapter of my life by not having close friends to hang with, joke with, and do random things together and I don’t know how to change that.

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