There is a guy at my work with who I had a huge crush with months ago because I thought he was kinda cute and was very nice with everyone.

Until all this changed. The more we would talk the more he’d make stupid and random comments. Sometimes they sounded a bit insulting. For example, one day I told him how a client had breast cancer and I don’t want to bother her too much right now with a document that she needs to fill out and he responded : «  well , look if YOU had breast cancer, I would still have to ask you about this document ( etc)  ». It’s a bit insensitive and of course, don’t put that energy on me ! All this were all turnoffs for me so I stopped liking him.

When I said that to my work friend, she told me that she always thought he actually has a big crush on me because he’s always stubborn with his words. She also added that he changes his tone when he talks to me, that he compliments me more often then the others ( which I haven’t noticed before ) and he’s very very awkward around me and even catch him staring at me. Adding he’s behaving very differently around me only.

I do feel a little awkwardness between him and I but maybe I’m just tripping. Of course, we’re in a work setting and I shouldn’t be even thinking of that, but I’m just wondering, just wondering if you think she may be right ? What do you think ?

1 comment
  1. 53 M here. He might be stressing out recognizing your attraction to him. Is he married or in a relationship? He also may have boundary issues when it comes to work.

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