im a teen and my parents provide necessary protection for both me and my bf. one of my kinks is having him cum inside but we havent been able to do that out of worry. any tips or knowledge of rlly good protection? we havent done anything w/o condoms but we wanna try it for cumming. im assuming pulling out half way or more is a good start…? we’ve been discussing this for a while and ive just discovered this subreddit, and from ppls posts and what not ive seen this is a rlly good place to ask

  1. Pullout is not a safe method. Best bet is hormonal birth control if you want to ditch the condoms, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea

  2. Talk to your doctor about birth control. One option is hormonal, like the pill, another is an iud, which doesn’t have to be hormonal. I have an iud and it’s great – no weight change or anything like that, just contraception.
    It’s not unusual to enjoy playing with cum and the risks of getting pregnant, but think about what your risks are before you decide to try anything.

  3. Try tracking your fertility/ ovulation to know when you are able to get pregnant this will help minimise the risk, and pulling out also.

  4. You’re a teenager – I’m assuming you don’t want a baby. In my circles we call people who used the pull out method, parents. Because they are now. Pulling out “half way” can 100% still get you pregnant!!

    Please please be smart about your birth control.

    If your parents are comfortable with providing protection then approach them about going to the GP for better birth control options. Ensure that you understand whatever you end up choosing, eg the hormonal birth control pill will take a few weeks to start working, depending on where you are in your cycle when you start it, and you’ll have to take it at the same time every single day to make it effective.

    Hormonal birth control doesn’t agree with everyone and there can be significant side effects.

  5. Do NOT use pull out method as a teen / inexperienced. Pulling out is something that takes practice and control (ie you need to practice doing this with condoms and the same partner for a long time before you can even start to reach the like 90% protection of ‘perfect’ pull out).

    My husband and I have been together for over 10 years and use pull out sometimes (not always) but we have been doing it for many years, are well practiced in it, I know where I am in my cycle so we take that into account, are not old but getting to the point where pregnancy would not be as easy as when we were younger, etc. we still use condoms if he wants to cum in me.

    You are young. Don’t play stupid games, you will win stupid prizes. Like a baby that you don’t want.

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