There’s a girl at my work that i think there’s a spark. The problem is she’s in my company’s HR department.

Surprisingly one of my department managers thinks I need to pursue her and trying to get me to invite her to IT events.

I told him that would be a bad idea especially since she’s in HR. He’s like “you guys are in completely different departments!”

**If things do escalate it would be best for one of us to quit right? Or if one of us leaves then it’s safe?**

I think the biggest thing about dating a coworker is what if you break up? Then you have to continue to work with them. What if one of you gets fired or has to fire the other person?

You can be friends right just don’t get romantically involved?


  1. Not really. At my company everyone dates everyone. Just be mature about it and leave the PDA and drama at home

  2. Wouldn’t say that, two of my good friends have been with their partners from work )I’ve now left but they’re all still there) for 4/6 years respectively and one of the couples just closed on a house and are engaged. I thinks it’s nuanced and a personal preference thing. Despite seeing many work relationships work, it’s just something I avoid despite having a number of office interests…I never wanted to follow through. This situation with the HR person is probably even less advisable and at best, if I were you I’d just engage and allow her to open the door as much as possible. I wouldn’t venture there at all but if you do, don’t do anything unless she gives you the clear go ahead with flashing lights

  3. People say don’t shit where you eat, so just make sure you eat in the kitchen and shit in the toilet if you do this.

    This means keep the PDA at home and keep it professional at work

  4. Do you report to her? Does she report to you? Do you work together as in actually needing to do things with each other rather than just working in the same building?

    If any of those things are happening, I don’t recommend dating. If you just work for the same organization, that’s probably fine.

  5. It’s the best thing I ever did tbh. You just can’t kiss and tell. No PDA, avoid hanging out much while at work, and you’re good.

  6. Never ever date a coworker, relative or housemate.

    You don’t need the risk or the hassle when things go wrong. Either with the other person in the dating relationship or when malicious third parties allege things like favouritism/sexual harassment/unprofessional behaviour on work premises.

  7. A significant number of people have met in the workplace historically. Just take it slow and see what happens.

  8. You could also run the risk of being reported for harassment if things go poorly. You just never know, and then end up with a professional scarlet letter on top of workplace drama.

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