What cultures do you admire and why?

  1. People on the Scandinavian peninsula just chill, hang out, and even sleep in sub freezing temperatures. That’s crazy.

  2. Kefir. Yogurt cultures get a lot of attention for promoting gut health, but kefir is the top notch probiotic option.

  3. Yeast. Makes beer wine and spirits. Participates in molecular bio research.

    Good little bastards.

  4. Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.

    They have a fantastic baking tradition that makes the best bread.

  5. I like that Lactobacillus casei has a sweet undertone to it, but Lactobacillus plantarum has more of a savory twang that’s to die for.

  6. They all have some good little thing going for them.

    But as a whole, Western Civilization, obviously, whatever its imperfections. There’s just no contest.

  7. Every culture has its bad, I don’t admire the entirity of any culture really. But I do think there’s part of practically every culture that can be found as positive and respectable.

    I like how the Japanese are very orderly and punctual. And they are a society that puts a lot of stock into the ideal of respect. They are also a society that cares a lot about nutrition and physical health. But they are also bureaucratic to a fault, Xenophobic, have a horrible work culture (not as bad as America but still pretty bad), and have a tragically extremely common issue with groping in trains. So common that some train lines have female only carts.

    “In surveys conducted by train companies, as many as 70% of young women say they have been groped, mostly on commuter trains.”

    I could probably make a similar paragraph about half a dozen countries, including the US. But I’m sure if I legitimately knew about every culture I’d say I admire parts of all of them.

    Sorry this all that rambling doesn’t answer your question. Personally I like loose cultures where the social norms are flexible and informal, which I guess makes sense since I’m American lol. Think of countries like Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Brazil, and Spain. Cultures like that are very appealing to me.

  8. Man, I love all cultures.

    Well, I shouldn’t say that. I should say I love learning about all cultures.

    Edit: the food. I’m always down to learn about & some food from any culture.

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