We’ve been trying to save money lately and the number one way we’ve been doing that has been to cut down on going out to eat, coffee out, etc.

My wife has really gotten onboard and is making it happen. So I’m thinking about making her a gift card binder of some of her favorite places for Christmas.

That way she can treat herself without having to worry about our budget. What do you think?

For the record, I went from eating breakfast/lunch out everyday, to fountain Coke a day, and a breakfast burrito on days in need gas.

  1. Did you both agree and allocate a certain amount of money to spend on each other? That’s where you need to start.

  2. Well, I don’t see anything wrong with this, if you want you could even take advantage of it to turn it into a romantic moment for you.

  3. Make it a date night binder. Buy gift cards to places you want to take her. Women love to see some thought going into the gift. If you present like future adventures and dates together, it won’t feel like a low effort gift as gift cards often do.

  4. If your going that route just find a similar way to give her the equivalent in cash instead of several gift cards. At least then she can find something for herself anywhere instead of being committed to small amount s at predetermined stores.

  5. I think that’s a really cute idea. As long as you don’t go crazy overboard I can’t see why she would be upset? I personally would love that

  6. Go for it. It’s her favorite places to go, so let her do something for herself on her schedule. It would help her unwind a little. She’ll love you for it.

  7. This is an epic fucking idea!! My wife likes to pick up lunch for work sometimes, but rarely does because we are also budgeting.

    I totally understand where you’re coming from on this and I think it’s fantastic. I’m going to copy your idea as well.

  8. If she really enjoys coffee… then maybe an Nespresso. I just got one the other day and it feels like I’m drinking Starbucks. $150 for the vertuo plus on Amazon. This is my Christmas present.

  9. I love this idea, I got my husband one of those calendars you peel off each day and added post it’s with things I love about him, quotes , memories, poetry. Adding gift cards throughout would take that next level for my husband. Thanks for the great idea.

  10. Just a gift card can come off as impersonal but I like the idea of using the gift cards to create a “date night book”. Gift cards to different restaurants, museums, etc and throw in a gift card to a clothing store she likes so she can buy a new outfit for one of the date nights. It’s a gift that shows thought on your end and gives her something to look forward to.

  11. I think this is a nice gift, especially since you are both cutting down. Just make sure it is places SHE likes and not just places you like. That part is important.

    It’s a great idea and very thoughtful.

  12. That’s cool. U should also get her a dildo. If she doesn’t like the gift card binder then she can go f$&k herself 😆

  13. I would personally love this! I much prefer picking out my own clothes and snacks and such so I always prefer gift cards. And especially when we’re on a tight budget the gift card gives me permission to get something for myself.

    I always ask for gift cards but no one gives them to me since they think it’s impersonal. But I think it’s the most personal since I know what I like!

    I know it depends on the person, and you know your wife best. But if my husband did this I’d be thrilled!

  14. I did something like this (not for budget reasons) for my husband, but I put them in a new wallet with a cute photo of us! If she needs or likes wallets, purses, etc. it may be a way to make it feel like a gift, or make it more about just the gift cards. Make it a good mix of food and activities (massages, book store, movie theater.)

  15. I love this. My husband is a penny pincher and not into grabbing a coffee, quick lunch, etc. while out and for me that makes the experience of running errands so much better. He understands that, but we have both also been really trying to save money so I feel guilty doing it. A bunch of gift cards like this would mean the world to me!

  16. I think she would love this! Make them like 25 dollar each so so she doesn’t feel guilty either

  17. As a wife I would not like gift cards but its a personal thing. The way i would like gift cards is if a scrapbook was made with old pics and a gift card attached at the bottom with a cute rhyme. Like if you had a pic from Italian food date night make a short rhyme from that and at the bottom include a matching rhyme with that gift card. Like “momma mia, that was the most spiciest night my love, let’s spice it up 2.0” or something like that.
    Maybe not do all gift cards.

  18. No you’re fine. If she gets a stick up her “independent” butt then she can ride that barstool solo my friend. You’re being thoughtful. Also think of side ways to make money, donating plasma gas specials like $800 in 4 weeks or I’ve seen $1200…. Some fun play money you can do it quickly it takes 30-40 minutes.

  19. This is a great idea for the whole family and as a wife I would love it if my husband did something like this. I almost shared this with the hubbins but have been struggling about what to do for him so this is a win! An addition I’m adding are a few sexy coupons!

  20. This is a great idea. If she gets mad at you over this I’d question everything 😂😂. My husband and I paid off a credit card a few years ago, then for Christmas he showed up with a right hand Diamond ring… I knew exactly how he paid for it, but I also know it came from love and I’m still here ❤️

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