
Me (M24) and my girl (F23) are dating from 2 years, I will walk you guys through my story before getting to the question.

I am from India, living in a Tier 2 city. I met her when I was 21, working on my startup, living with parents and in Dec 2021 as soon as I step outside for my new job at the exact same time my relationship started with my girl. It started as long distance and is long distance till date.

I stepped out of my house and I started seeing what the world is, met different people and got a lot of new experience.

I still love my girl but this is my first proper relationship, with my ex it was on and off every few days never had it for more than 15-20 days in a go. So sexually also, she is the first girl I slept with.

Her parents are on top of her head for marriage and there’s a big caste issue and lot of other problems, but I feel like I want to explore more people before settling down. The sex is good but I don’t have a baseline to measure it around. I have no close female friends because I am happy with her.

Am I going too overboard with this thinking? I don’t plan to marry anytime soon, her parents keeps asking her so she gets paranoid about it.

Tldr: First proper relationship going on from 2 years, and I feel I should explore more before settling down.

  1. It’s okay to want to experience different relationships before you make a lifelong commitment. That means you should probably end things with her though.

  2. If you feel the need to explore then you need to end your current relationship. Don’t try to hold onto her while you are trying to hold someone else.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting more/different. You just need to be upfront about it and let her know/go.

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