My boyfriend and I haven’t been together long, only a month. He’s been struggling to keep an erection when we are physically together and often loses it if things progress to sex, which we haven’t had btw. He has shared that medically it’s not a problem, because he has masturbated alone to orgasm.
He told me that he’s never dated anything younger than him, only his age and older, and has difficulty wrapping his head around sleeping with a “younger” woman.
After a recent heart to heart I learned that he was molested as a child by two different men, one was a religious leader, and the other was an older neighbor. So maybe being with someone younger than him puts him back into this raw state of vulnerability that he has yet to unravel and heal. I brought up therapy and he shut it down right away. And I get it, this is uncomfortable to sit with.

He says he desires me and is so attracted to me, but once the guilt hits, he just can’t seem to turn it off and he loses his boner. He said it feels like a lump in his throat that he can’t swallow or take out. He has focused so much on my pleasure but now it’s starting to get to me where I can’t give in return. I want him to feel good, too!

I want to be intimate with him and support him but I don’t know how. I haven’t pushed sex, in fact I had insecurities thinking maybe he wasn’t attracted enough to me or my body. I’m scared he won’t get over our age gap and that i’ll be single again really soon.

How do I help him overcome this sexual guilt?

  1. He needs therapy. You are not a “younger” woman. You are younger than him but you’re a full fucking adult. 6 years is nothing when you’re in your 30s.

  2. Set your own parameters. Start with, what age gap are YOU comfortable with? He’s going to do whatever he is going to do. Find your own guy that likes you, not done guy that makes you question yourself and the relationship. Please, be good to yourself for starters. Ok?

  3. I get where you’re coming from but there really is no way that you can help him overcome this. This is something he needs to work through, and honestly he needs therapy to help with that. I know he shut it down once, but that’s the only realistic option for him.

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