I can name about ten or so

  1. I think about…ten-fifteen? I’m not totally sure if some of the names I have in my head were actually PMs or not, like Gladstone and Palmerston.

    edit: I googled, and they were! yay me

  2. I could name perhaps a dozen off the top of my head, not in any kind of order. It probably helps that I recently re-watched The Crown.

  3. David Lloyd George, Ben Disraeli, Churchill, Chamberlain, Eden, Blair, Cameron, Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Rishi Sunak, William Pitt. So also 10.

  4. * Churchill

    * Johnson

    * Blair

    * Sunak

    * Truss

    * Cameron

    * Thatcher

    * William Pitt (older and younger)

    * Robert Peel

    * Disraeli

    * Chamberlain

  5. Chamberlain, Churchill, Atlee, Thatcher, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak.

    You can tell when I started paying attention to world politics pretty clearly.

  6. Let’s see. Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, David Cameron, and then within the last year or so, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak.

  7. I’d guess about a dozen.

    Off the top of my head: Thatcher, Churchill, Sunak, Blair, Johnson, May, Cameron, Brown, Chamberlain, Disraeli, Atlee (only because of the thread on this sub earlier today mentioning him). And then of course PITT THE ELDER and LORD PALMERSTON. That presumably implies a Pitt the Younger also.

    (EDIT: LOL, I forgot Liz Truss.)

  8. All the post-Neville Chamberlain prime ministers, even the obscure ones like Sir Alec Douglas-Home. Then there are the one offs like Pitt the elder, Lord North, Palmerston, Disraeli, Asquith, Lloyd George and others.

  9. Liz Truss



    Gordon brown

    David Cameron

    Rishi Sunak

    John Major

    Margaret Thatcher



    Robert Peele

    Lord Palmerston

    Lord Melbourne

    Pitt the Younger



    Lloyd George

    17, and now I quit

    Edit: Atlee I was reminded of in this thread, as well as May. Without scrolling I remember Chamberlain, which I should’ve on my own. I’ll give myself 18.

  10. Churchill, Atlee, John Major, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Palmerston, Pitt the Elder, Pitt the Younger, Asquith, Lloyd George, Neville Chamberlain, Anthony Eden, Harold Wilson. And of course the current guy Rishi Sunak. That’s all I got.

  11. * Thatcher

    * Disraeli

    * Major

    * Churchill

    * Cromwell (does “Lord Protector” count?)

    * Blair

    * May

    * Johnson

    * Sunak (sp? The new guy)

    * Cameron

  12. Ten.

    Atlee, Churchhill, Thatcher are historically famous.

    The most recent were in the news enough for me to see their names fairly often; Major, Johnson, May, Sunack.

    Disraeli because there have been several movies and a Family Guy [cutaway gag](https://comb.io/gQd4Fy) about him, and the Cream album [Disraeli Gears](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disraeli_Gears).

    Palmerston and Pitt only because [they were mentioned](https://comb.io/tpCo6b) on The Simpsons.

    Edit: I forgot about Chamberlain, Blair, and Truss. All people I’ve heard of, but didn’t pop into my head when I saw this thread. Apparently, I missed Brown, too, but I really don’t recall much about him in the news.

  13. Not in order:

    * Churchill

    * Chamberlain

    * Thatcher

    * Major

    * Blair

    * Sunak

    * Johnson

    * Brown

    * Cameron

    * May

    * Truss

    So, I can name 11.

  14. Tony Hawk, Winston Marlboro, Pennsylvania Pitt, Charlemagne, Charles de Gaul, Margaret Thatcher, Humberto Las Malvinas son Argentinas, and Ted Lasso off the top of my head

  15. Sunak, Boris, May, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Major, Thatcher, Heath, Wilson, Douglas-Home, Eden, Churchill, Chamberlain, Baldwin, Lloyd-George, Asquith, Gladstone, Disraeli, William Pitt the younger, William Pitt the elder, Lord North, and the Duke of Wellington was at one point too wasnt he?

    That’s 23 I think. The only reason I know some of these guys is because I’m in college and I’ve taken a couple classes on British history. Some others of these I know because they played a role in other events. Such as lord north who was the PM during our revolution

    Edit: Can’t believe I forgot Atlee and Liz Truss

  16. None, their parents already named them.

    But honestly, off the top of my head I can name 16: Pitt the Elder and the Younger, Disraeli, Gladstone, Chamberlain, Churchill, Atlee, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak.

  17. Off the top of my head and without looking at other answers: Sunak, May, Blair, Cameron, Thatcher, ummm…Enoch Powell? Churchill. Disraeli. Horace Walpole? Gladstone. Attlee.

  18. Let’s see, without looking any up…

    Walpole, Lord North, Pitt the Elder and Younger, the Duke of Wellington, Disraeli, Robert Peel, Gladstone, Balfour, Lloyd George, Baldwin, MacDonald, Chamberlain, Churchill, Attlee, Wilson, Heath, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson and Sunak.

    26, unless I’ve counted wrong.

  19. William Cavendish (I honestly don’t know why I remember this guy. I think it’s just his last name which I find very British)

    William Pitt, the Elder (not because of the Simpsons joke. Pittsburgh’s named after him and his coat of arms is on the city flag)

    Henry Temple, “Lord Palmerston” (that one because of the Simpsons joke.)

    Frederick North (Prime Minister during the Revolution)

    William Pitt, the Younger (same reason as his father)

    Robert Jenkinson, the Earl of Liverpool (Prime Minister during the Congress of Vienna)

    Charles Grey (The guy Earl Grey tea is named for)

    Bonar Law (we found out about him in a middle school history class and he became a running joke for a couple months.)

    Neville Chamberlain (famous for appeasing Hitler)

    Winston Churchill (famous for *not* appeasing Hitler)

    Margaret Thatcher (the Iron Lady, divisive conservative PM during the 80s who led the UK in the Falklands War which is probably the most I actually know about her)

    Tony Blair (felt like he was Prime Minister forever when I was growing up)

    Every PM following him *(Boris Johnson, Teresa May, Liz Truss, and David Cameron)* I know almost exclusively for their involvement with the shit show following Brexit aside from Gordon Brown, who I know solely as the guy who finally got Tony Blair out of office, and Rishi Sunak, who I only know because he’s currently serving.

    So… 18.

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