QUESTION FOR POOR WOMEN: Considering the possibility of being homeless when older because nowadays is difficult to save money for retirement at the same time you have a life, besides being a woman the possibilities are different, and the risks also, what do you think about living just camping in nice places? A homeless actually, but you would prepare yourself now, buying a nice tent and camping stuff, learning a easy work that wouldn’t botter at older age, to get ready for your “retirement”? Looks funny, but serious question.

  1. I would prefer death, thank you. The world is extremely unkind to unhoused people, and I enjoy having easy access to showers and bathroom facilities. There’s no tent on earth that would be comfortable as a roof over my head in a Canadian winter.

  2. I would rather die. This question also assumes that I’m ablebodied. There is nothing worse to me than the idea of living outside at the end of my life. I don’t think a lot of people respect how much work camping is.

  3. Achy bones and a cold ground? I’ll pass. I’ll take those hotels, motels, Holiday Inns (say what? -iykyk)

  4. Not camping as you described it but definitely like renting/buying a camper and live in that in a trailer park or camping.

  5. Hard pass. Absolutely nothing about this is appealing. Weather, comfort, proximity to services I may need, health issues, just generally being able or not to drag around a camping set up? No thanks. I will continue to save for my retirement as I have for the last 20+ years, which I’m lucky enough to be able to do AND live my life as I wish right now.

  6. Is continuing to work and NOT retiring an option? Because as much as I love the idea of retirement, I loathe camping more.

  7. I’d prefer death, honestly. Or getting some other old lady roomies and Golden Girling it.

  8. Camping is great when it’s a choice, it’s temporary, the weather is warm, and you’re fit and healthy. I guarantee you when you’re old you will not want to live outdoors in winter.

    If you think that’s fun or romantic, spend some time among your local homeless population. They are plagued by preventable illness, discrimination, and all the mental health and substance abuse issues that result from their extremely hard life. They are highly likely to be victims of violent crime both from each other and the general public, and homeless women face high risk of sexual assault.

  9. I mean, there are women who do van life, RV life, and backpacking life. All of those do require a certain type of personality though. Outdoorsy, adaptable, flexible etc. But there are plenty of setups that have everything a person could want to be comfortable. For ex, my Casita travel trailer is 16 ft with bath, kitchen, dinette and bed with a real mattress. I wouldn’t want to live in it full time but there are women and couples who do and enjoy the lifestyle. And used travel trailers don’t cost a lot so it can be a doable option for somebody who will basically be nomadic in retirement but still wants the comforts of home. Lots of YouTube videos on solo women and their setups.

  10. I love camping and could easily survive outdoors but no, I wouldn’t want to do this. I’m not working my entire life to retire to a tent. We’re prioritizing saving for retirement and maintaining strong family bonds so we don’t have to spend our last years of life homeless and alone.

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