I’m 18, so of course I don’t know much and I care much. I have a feeling I don’t really know what women desire, how to please them. I always thought girls my age, and not only my age prefer gentle sex, but all signs tell me I was totally wrong. I think every one of You reading this would say that communication is key, but that’s the whole problem – girls my age can’t say what they want or they don’t want. Sex stresses me out because I feel that girl expect me to know what to do as a man, but the truth is I don’t have a single idea what to actually do. Every advice is gold here, thank You.

  1. Being attentive to her ENTIRE body. It’s not just about her vulva, clit, vagina. That’s obviously a key area but the more you work up to even getting there, the more turned on she’ll be.

    Neck kisses drive a lot of women insane. Make your way down in a sensual but slow way while very lightly teasing her pussy at the same time. Nothing fancy down below but just kind of have your hand down there and give it a lil rub and massage. Start with her lips (mouth lips,) kiss her neck, move down to her nipples and suck each one for a bit to get them hard, then move down to her belly button and kind of do whatevber, then continue south while massaging her vulva a little harder.

    If she has panties on, then eat her out over the panties. lick her up and down just as you would if they weren’t on. tease her. every so often, lift the side edge of her panties up and flick your tongue inside and give her lip a quick tongue kiss then continue “eating her out” over her panties for a bit while using your hands to run them up and down her inner thighs, her body and playing with her tits.

    THEN, when you can feel the wetness through her panties, slide them off. Eat her out some more. Then, stand up and slide it in. By this point, she should be 200% turned on, wet as a lake and pulsating for your dick to do it’s thing.

  2. Read some books
    The best would be She Comes First.
    If you want to be a good lover, learn about the clitoris. It’s important to have actual knowledge instead of learning bs from dumbass friends and porn. Another great book is Becoming Clitorate.
    This is shit that most guys your age should know but never learn.
    I’ve just made you an amazing future lover.
    You’re welcome.

  3. >I always thought girls my age, and not only my age prefer gentle sex, but all signs tell me I was totally wrong.

    I would dearly love to know what signs you’re reading, because I assure you, PLENTY of women love gentle sex. They’re just less likely to be gushing about how they like to be fucked on social media or the internet or to random acquaintances at a party. Keep in mind the loudest voices you’ll tend to hear are the most extreme ones – this is true of many things.

    >girls my age can’t say what they want or they don’t want

    So firstly: if y’all are both virgins, it can definitely be a thing that neither of you really know exactly what feels good for you yet. That’s okay! Start slow, and have fun exploring.

    If the girl appears to be frustrated that you’re not reading her mind, then… *don’t fuck her*.

    Seriously. Men get to have standards in who they fuck, too! It’s totally normal and okay to decide this girl is a bad communicator and you don’t want to have sex with her after all.

    This is *especially* important if a woman appears to want you to be rough, but simultaneously will not have the conversations you need to have to ensure everyone is safe, physically and emotionally. There are definitely some women out there who want rough sex but don’t want to have to *ask* for it, and they are women who will be frustrating and refuse accountability in a lot of other ways and are honestly best avoided.

  4. So honestly the dudes I’ve been w who has less experience were far better than the bros w lots of experience! Bc the bros always try to re-enact porn which is not real! Don’t be performative. Be in the moment and try to make her feel good! Communicate too! If you’re nervous just tell her.. bc she’ll feel it and she may think you aren’t attracted to her. Just be in the moment and don’t try to ram her lol. Also it’s best to do it with someone you truly love. It makes all the difference in the world

  5. Look… gentle and slow is just a good way to START. It also has a great teasing effect. But who would want to be teased the entire time without it culminating into the release and that intense pleasure that teasing promises to deliver? Once they’re super turned on and it’s time to make good on that promise you been building up in their animal brain, it’s usually preferable to pick up the pace and pressure to a healthy, moderately high level. But do it gradually. Unless she begs you to fuck her hard, or fuck her like you mean it, or something along those lines. If she she says something like that with a serious af tone, somewhat hard of breath and a look of pain or about to cry/ complain type look on her face, well let’s just say you better comply. This is no time for second guessing her or pissing her off. That’s how dudes get beat up by their chicks right there…

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