I feel like I am genuinely uninteresting. Another post (https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/17u0x5n/does_anyone_notice_that_eventually_most_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) on here got me thinking about it (in the usual evening depression bout), but I really don’t feel like anyone understands me, but not because they aren’t trying hard enough, but because there isn’t anything there to..understand. I feel like all the days are blurring together. I have a few hobbies, but nothing that I am deeply invested in to the point where I have amazing friends stemming from it. Every conversation I have with someone else dries quite quickly (hour or two is the ABSOLUTE maximum). I have one friend who I can technically talk to for extended periods of time, but it’s only because they don’t mind having the same exact topic being brought up again, and again, and again. Idk I just feel like I am a dry person no matter if I try to make friends with someone or don’t try and just “be myself.” I’ve been like this for years now, and it’s getting a bit depressing to watch everyone around me form these deep, trusting relationships where they can talk about anything and just be around each other and be who they are. This happens every single day, and I know that I will wake up tomorrow and the same cycle will just start again.

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