Ex and I had close friendship before we started dating. We were together a long long time and then he broke up with me. Shortly after, I moved on while he said he regretted it.

I kept some distance but over time he seemed to genuinely just want friendship and eventually we’re both in new relationships, so I felt more comfortable talking more frequently. He gets into a fight with his gf and he was reflecting on past relationships, apologized for his behavior when we were together, asked for some advice on ways he could’ve been better, etc. We were both trying to improve ourselves.

He mentions meeting up with a previous ex of his, and how they’re planning to meet up again. He asks about us hanging out if it’s okay with my bf, says if not it’s okay. Says his gf knows and doesn’t mind us hanging out.

He’s saying things like how it’s funny we’re each trying to improve for our relationships and “all it cost was ours” and how he felt we were destined for each other while we were together but maybe it wasn’t our fate. And how he regrets not trying harder with us, but in the end its what was best for me. How he’s sorry for failing me and us.

Then he keeps asking about us meeting up, offering to even meet up just for 30min, how he misses our friendship. How he’s worried about us drifting apart. When I tell him I’d rather hang out in a group setting so as not to not make my bf uncomfortable, he gets upset and said he doesn’t know what he did to make me feel uncomfortable.

Does this behavior mean anything more than genuine friendship? Are these strong platonic friendship feelings of his or something more?

I feel so naiive and confused.

1 comment
  1. Initially I was thinking it was just a genuine friendship but the more you describe it I feel there is a extra layer with him reminiscing in the past too much and specifically your relationship. Once is plenty to reflect and apologize but since he keeps bringing it up and being upset you don’t want to meet 1 on 1 even though he wanted to respect your bf feeling on meeting it’s coming across as a ref flag. I believe he’s still in love with you or at least the thought of you and hes trying to find his way back in. That’s my opinion.

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