Friend (38m) completely denies we’ve slept together because he was THAT drunk. (I should add that it was more than once) Proceeds to tell me we agreed on the NSA fooling around (we didn’t) and I have started to fall for him. Now I know I can’t make him feel something he doesn’t but what a kick in the face! we can’t be friends if we slept together, what are we fucking 17? No we’re the same age. It’s shit like this that makes me not want to open my heart to someone again. Who fucking does that?!

  1. Uhh at 38 he sounds like a child. If anything that should completely turn you away from him. Immaturity and lack of acknowledgement ain’t attractive. I’d say good riddance for you

  2. How many more red flags do you want? Save yourself the heartache and walk away now. He’s already shown you that he doesn’t care.

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