Hey all, so I 25m have been dating a girl and going on 3rd date soon which I thought by now would be a clear sign that I should escalate and get that first kiss in now.

But I am very inexperienced to dating and unsure what natural convention is. Because I am from London naturally whenever the date ends we are always going to be surrounded by the public when going back in the underground and saying goodbye.

Would this still be an okay time to do it cause didn’t want her to feel uncomefortable, but unsure if I’m overthinking cause I feel like generally it always has to be in public on that first kiss on a date right? as long as it’s not somewhere where people are literally stood close by or sitting like in the train itself or inside like a coffee shop.

Obviously it’s a tough one cause can’t communicate on something cringe like this and ask if she’s comefortable here to be kissed or anything, or prefer someone private

Any help appreciated!

  1. for escalating in a public setting I prefer taking her hand and holding it first. this can work when sitting together at a restaurant/bar or when walking somewhere.

    if she lets it happen, you may go for a kiss at some point, if she doesn’t, well … the kiss probably wouldnt’ have worked either

  2. I’m a woman and I wouldn’t like it, because a first kiss can be awkward sometimes.. I would prefer a more private setting.

    Ofcourse I can only speak for myself. You can also try talking to her about it just to be sure 🙂

  3. Unless you’re making out and groping each other in public, no one will care. No one will bat an eye if you exchange a couple kisses. They’ve seen it before. They’ve done it before.

    Don’t fret over this. It’s perfectly normal.

  4. yes, it’s normal, there are no rules where you shouldn’t kiss in public unless you’re in certain Islamic countries.

  5. Kiss her at a corner of a bar or something dude – why you gotta do it at the station lol

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