Not sure if this has been asked before, but men of reddit – what is the best way to pleasure you?

  1. Non-sexual:

    Knead my painful back like I’m a pizza dough, and I’m gonna moan out loud like a badly overacting porn star

  2. Beating ganondorf atleast once. I try it for 3 days, go out from his lair, farming sundelion, and stil lost.

  3. My partner needs to be with me in such a way that I find a lot of peace being around her. Course, doing stuff can help me get very relaxed and feeling very well. But as long as the peace comes in and worries slide out of my life in the moment, I’m good.

  4. That’s a good question. I have to admit I don’t know really. If I want something I take care of it myself so there isn’t really much left for a partner to do.

  5. Mostly respecting my space as much as I respect yours. Clutter drives me crazy I’m not ocd clean but I am clean and organized.

  6. Easy, be into me and enjoy being around me the way I enjoy being around her, make me want to be around you because when I am I have some measure of peace that you bring to my life and not chaos, and…talking shit.

    Every girl that I’ve ever had a great connection with, we could just hang out roasting each other and talking shit, just laughing the whole time.

  7. Sexually? Outside of sex? Boobies and good food make me happy

    Men are simple creatures with simple needs

  8. These aren’t in the moment pleasure, but something that builds up over time. Think about it as relationship maintenance. Super-short, super-easy, and good long-term results

    **Non-sexual**: Notice a place or something that I am struggling with, something that is important to me, and encourage me with love, affection, food, acknowledgement, communication, and/or help.

    **Sexual**: Slap my ass when no one is watching once a week we when go out then pretend that you didn’t do it.

    ABSOLUTELY DO NOT BE ROUGH/AGGRESSIVE WITH EITHER. Men need women to be the softness in their lives.

  9. Sexually show eagerness. I asume that both of you know each others limits where the line is. Just show eagerness on what you’re doing. Say the things he likes and mean it. Or just express yourself. Also keep in mind and we like different things. So talk about likes and dislikes. A bj to some doesn’t mean sloppy as possible and messy or balls in mouth. Personally I don’t like them messy and the balls thing doesn’t do anything for me.

    Being welcomed at the door wearing something comfy and cute getting a kiss and maybe giving him his favorite drink is more than enough. Please and thank you goes a long way too.

  10. Kind, caring, willing to please at sex, peaceful (don’t pick up fights unless really necessary) and no games. You’d be surprised how rare to find someone like this.

  11. “Finger in my bitterness, cupping my balls and dick in throat” is my debut single, out on all platforms 11/24

  12. Ask him. Honest conversations are good.

    For me personally, start your story with the point. Then I will stop constantly looking for one and not get as frustrated.

    In general, men like food, sex, entertainment, and peace. In no particular order.

    Enthusiasm is also hard to beat.

  13. we like when you’re touching us a lot like touching our face while kissing massaging our ears, shoulders, chest, all of that we like it

  14. Simple, do things with me that I like to do. I already do many of the things she likes to do, even when I don’t enjoy them because I love her. However when I ask her to play Mario Kart or any other game, it’s, “no. I’m not I to games.”

    Ladies it’s simple. Find the non sexual things he likes to do and do them with him. For sexy time, try initiating it. That will drive him wild if you initiate the sex.

  15. Sexually, just be yourself. Enjoy it as much as I am.

    Outside of that, just be you. We talk, we hold hands a lot, we do a bit of PDA. Walking through the store and she walks up and rubs my back is always good. Or a massage (her trade) after a long day is always welcome.

  16. An enthusiastic blowjob. After that I can be dragged to any mall, shopping errand or social obligation literally floating and in the best mood. Mall trips go from me listlessly wandering around browsing my phone to being my girlfriend’s gay male friend giving her fashion advice for the duration.

  17. Just like do stuff with me that I like to do…oh and swallow and keep going until my soul is gone.

  18. You must be new here. It’s always food, sexual things, some privacy to let our minds wander, laugh with us.

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