An important thing to mention is that we were long distance for the entirety of our relationship.
First time it happened he was walking home with one of his good friends and she suddenly kissed him and told him she had feelings for him. He told me afterwards that he did not push her away but also didnt kiss her back. He told her that he already “has a crush on someone else” even though we were already in a relationship for around 3 months back then but i let it slide. The whole situation made me feel bad but i figured he couldn’t really do anything about it and he did stop being friends with her after so i let it go.

However, a few months after that he went to a party with his best friends (who all knew about me being his partner at that time). He told me after the party was over that one of his best friends kissed him “for fun” even though she knew he was in a relationship with me. He yet again didn’t push her away and didnt kiss back. I got mad that night and told him to talk to the friend so she backs off and doesn’t do that ever again but he said he didn’t want to talk to her about that because she would do it again anyway. I remember the matter never really got resolved and he continued being friends with her.

We broke up a year ago and i’m in a happy relationship with the man of my dreams now but this situation is just stuck in my head for some reason. I guess i just want to know if this counts as cheating..?

  1. It’s obviously cheating but why does it matter when you’ve broken up so long ago clearly ‘moved on’ to the man of your dreams?

  2. It counts as cheating if you feel it counts as cheating.
    I also question why this matters us you’re already with someone else and in a happy relationship….

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