What makes you cringe about yourself?

  1. Sometimes I probably try too hard to inject levity into situations with jokes and quips that are only funny in my own head.

  2. That I still subscribe to the never-ending burden of performance men seek for their legacy and tribe, instead of living only for myself off grid somewhere.

  3. Ignoring all the clear signs of disinterest. She’s not playing hard to get or a bad texter, she’s just doesnt like you and wants you to fuck off.

  4. I said something to my friend’s instructor when I was 11. Looking back at it I still cringe super hard.

  5. Financially dependent at age 37. Don’t want to need my mom’s help with anything.

    I’ve been very shy and have kept to myself too much. I’ve never been in love. Never had sex.

    Didn’t figure out my gender identity (trans male) until later in life. Still hope to transition…

  6. Dealing with some unresolved childhood trauma that sometimes manifests itself with me being a bit of a jerk as a defense mechanism amongst friends:

  7. Sometimes I can be awkward, and not in the endearing awkward way either. I also frequently bump into people or walk in their path and we do that awkward “pardon me” dance. I hate it lol

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