Seeking advice on a perplexing relationship situation. My ex of 4 years initiated contact after a month and a half apart, expressing a desire to reconnect. We met up, shared a good time, and things got intimate. In the subsequent weeks, she consistently texted me, seemingly invested in rebuilding our connection.

However, over the last week or so, her communication has taken a 180-degree turn. She went from texting me almost every day to complete silence. Attempts to reach out have been met with indifference. It’s left me feeling confused and unsure about the direction of our rekindled connection.

I’m struggling to understand this sudden shift in behavior. Has anyone been through something similar? Any insights on why someone might go from being enthusiastic about reconnecting to suddenly ignoring communication? And, most importantly, what would be the best course of action in this situation? Any advice on how to navigate this confusing dynamic would be greatly appreciated.

  1. By intimate, do you mean yall had sex?

    If so, then she called you up for an easy hookup, and then started talking to someone else. Sorry.

  2. She thought she had a new man. She left you for that new man. It did not work out. You were still available and she took advantage of that. Now either that guy is back in the picture or she has a new prospect on the horizon.

    You can still have fun with her if you want, but she is not your gf and you are not her top pick.

  3. Sounds like she doesn’t know what she wants and looks like she is toying with you. It’s not right. If she wants a FWB kind of thing, then she should just say that. Otherwise, it’s just gonna be a confusing situation for you. More than what it is already. Ask her straight up “what are we doing here?”. If she can’t give a definitive answer, then walk away. You deserve someone who isn’t going to waste your time. Hope this helps.

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