I’m going to try to make this as short as possible.

So a few months ago I met a coworker. This coworker befriended me and asked for my number. BUT he had a gf at the time and had photos of her everywhere, which is good.

Still he texted me all of the time for about two weeks and we played video games together about three times. He also double texted me when I didn’t answer (which was a LOT). I talked to my mom about this and she was suspicious of him, so I asked the guy if his gf was ok with us being friends and he said that she was ok with it. She even told me herself she was fine with it and thanked me for asking. Welp a month later they broke up “mutually”for communications issues and later on, the coworker found out she cheated. So he was really hurt.

Now, the gf and her friend (who also workers at the job) started a rumor that he was cheating on his gf with me which is NOT true. He never flirted, I never flirted and had no desire to and she knew we were “friends” and that he texted me and we played games. It was interesting because she was also trying to be buddies with me on instagram and wanted to play video games with me… 😭

A few weeks after they broke up the coworker started going for me. I was wary, but if he was single, I agreed to go to the mall with me. He expressed his interest in me and and we decided to see where it would go. I was aware that is was just going to be for fun and nothing serious. Well a few weeks went by and I found out he was trying to be with another co worker who he apparently flirted with way before me.

So now I’m questioning. I don’t think he actually has ever liked me. He just saw me as an easy rebound option? Because if he was flirting with the coworker who he’s now trying to date, he obviously wanted her and not me, and I was slow for letting him into my life and giving him a chance. I guess I got caught up in the flirting 😭 but let me tell y’all things got sexual with him really fast and he wasn’t shy about telling me all the things he wanted to do to me, and was kinda pushy but that’s honestly a whole other story

Now knowing all of this info, do you guys think I was being lined up as a second choice or he just saw me as someone easy?

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