Why do guys fail to respond to my sex talk, such as when I make a comment about how I want to spread my legs while wearing a skirt? Their response is oh huh, sound good, simple reply; I was expecting for more than a statement that would start a sex conversation and make me even more horny to snap a sexual selfie shot for them.

  1. Maybe some guys, especially if they don’t know you real well, find it vulgar and not arousing?

  2. Some wonder if the sex talk is wanted. If you think men are animals or degrading. Once I know I’ll go into what I want to see. And what I’d do to you.

  3. Was this an out of the blue comment? Was the conversation gearing up for a more sexual conversation or were you talking about what kind of peanut butter you prefer and then BAM!

    A lot of guys, even with that type of comment, are going to be more conservative to be on the safe side. Especially if that comment kind of came out of nowhere lol.

    I think you would have been better off saying something like “*I want to spread my legs while wearing a skirt but wish you were here to spread them”* as that makes it 100% clear it’s sexual. idk

  4. For me, I don’t like to start a sex talk unless I’m certain that’s what the woman wants, just a few kinky sentences or hints won’t be enough. I’ve been called pervert or horny for reacting to what was clearly (to me) sextalk.

    Men tend to be criticized when acting horny unsolicited. You may get exposed or cancelled and saying that you felt like the girl was trowing hints at you won’t help. Girls like to play cruel jokes at guys, acting horny just to get a reply and then expose the guy.

    I think men are just scared. Our hornyness is constantly treated as a game or as a crime.

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