So I’ve been dating this guy for about 3 months and we both agreed it’s just casual and we’re not a couple.
So it’s going pretty well and I believe we are both satisfied with the relationship we have right now so it’s mutual

For some reason he today texted me on a different dating app, obviously he recognises it’s my profile, and I’m just weirded out because even if its not serious between us , I wouldn’t put it in his face that I’m on a dating app talking to other dudes.
And I honestly don’t know if I should answer his message . He jokingly texted that we should get married . Which makes it even more weird.

I kind of want to respond with a ton of laughing emojis because it is kinda funny , but what if it’s a test to see if I’m active on the app?

  1. Obviously, I don’t know what he messaged. To me, I would take that as more of “Hey! Small world!” kind of thing. Perhaps he’s trying to corner you, which would be invasive and creepy, but I’m not sure that’s the intention. So, if it’s concerning to you, you should definitely address it, either by letting him know it’s making you uncomfortable, or by asking why he’s messaging you on another app. Or both.

  2. Are you both on the app? Or just him? Weird that he would be on there unless he’s looking to date other women

  3. Chill….a test? Seriously? How old are you two?

    You have a casual relationship. You spend time together, have sex, enjoy a laugh or two?

    Yah…he was just being silly.

    And…another thought…you think he’s “testing” to see if you’re active on the other app? What in world would be the purpose of that???

    Do you want a more serious relationship with him ? Do you want this to be some horrifically childish passive aggressive “test?”

    If someone wanted to “test” me like that, I’d run.

    Sorry..focus. He was just being playful.

  4. But you’re both on there.. so I doubt he’s “testing” you.
    He’s clearly active on there also. And probably thought he’d message you to jokingly acknowledge it.

  5. While I don’t wanna say everyone, but I’m pretty sure *most* millennials and gen z’ers have been in this situation. You have a fwb/something casual and you see that person on another app. Assuming both parties are cool with the non-exclusiveness, that’s supposed to be something amusing and humorous. “Haha hey I know you” or “you’re pretty attractive wanna go on a date?” Just some stupid message.

    So if it bothers that he did that, you may wanna consider that you might like him more than you d expressed. Or that you may not be as cool with the seeing other people as you originally thought. Otherwise it shouldn’t matter. Just something to look at

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