I’m (NB 21) a college student, I work for a newspaper and at our weekly meeting I started talking to a guy who I haven’t interacted with much before. We started talking about our interests and what we want to do with our careers and whatnot, and he said he has a lot of niche interests and has a hard time connecting with others about them, and generally feels alone in college. I said that we could hang out and gave him my number (I made it clear that I’m not looking for anything romantic since I’m in a relationship, I’m autistic so I just like to be upfront since I find it really hard to tell when people have romantic intentions).

He seems like a very chill and down-to-earth guy and we both like creative writing, but those are really the only common interests we have that I know about. I would like to hang out with him but I’m pretty awkward with new friends and don’t really know what to do since I made most of my college friends years ago. I’m not sure I want to have him over to my house since having people over that my roommates don’t know makes me anxious, but I’m not really sure what else there is to do.

I was thinking maybe going to get coffee or going to the library and studying together, or getting food? At the end of the day I’m just trying to decide if it’s worth it to try to make new friends right now since I’m super busy with the end of the semester coming up. I hate how much I’m overthinking about this but I don’t know what to do with people I don’t know well when there’s not an event/specific place we’re going to or something like that.

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