In the Uk we sometimes use the word ‘boiling’ for someone being extremely warm, do you of you use it?

  1. I don’t know if that’s everyone’s first choice of phrase, but I think people would know what you mean.

  2. I would usually attribute that more to somebody’s emotional state rather than physical temperature.

    Somebody boiling mad is somebody who has gradually gotten increasingly pissed and is about to blow.

  3. >In the Uk we sometimes use the word ‘boiling’ for someone being extremely warm

    I’d know what they meant if they said it, but I usually hear/say “burning up” instead.

  4. No, but the context is clear enough to get the idea and some people do use cooking related things like baking or frying that way.

  5. I’d be more inclined to say roasting or baking in that context, though I use those rarely enough.

  6. It’s sort of funny that you’ve mentioned this. My mother-in-law who’s from Alabama uses boiling in this way. Although most would likely know what you mean, it seems be more regional. Or possibly even a semi dated way to describe it.

  7. I usually hear burning up, or less commonly baking. Also if a room rather than a person is particularly hot, it’s pretty common to say “It’s like an oven.”

  8. Usually when I have heard someone was boiling, it meant they were extremely angry. If someone is very hot & sweaty, I would use burning up, not boiling.

  9. Someone saying “I’m boiling in this” when talking about clothes that are too warm for current conditions wouldn’t be weird where I’m from.

  10. “It’s hot enough to boil a monkey’s bum in here!”

    Broiling is more common in my experience, or melting.

  11. For temperature, we say burning. As in “burning up” or “burning hot”

    However boiling is used more for emotions, like “he’s boiling mad.” Or “hes boiling right now.”

  12. I would just think they said the wrong word and ment to say burning but yes I would know what they ment

  13. >Oh, yeah. Bloody hell. I’m sweating in here. Roasting. Boiling. Baking. Sweltering. It’s like a sauna. Furnace. You can fry an egg on my stomach. Ohh, who wouldn’t lap this up? It’s ridiculous. Tremendous. Fantastic. Fan-dabby-dozy-tastic.

    I usually say I’m dyin, hot as fuck, or melting if I forget Sexy Beast at the moment.

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