I have a habit of just getting what I want and according to my wife, this makes gifting nearly impossible for me.

I’ve been researching the new Apple Watch, steam deck, shoes, and a jacket. My wife thought this would be easy purchases for Christmas. Some of these things have been coming in the mail or I recently told my wife of my purchases so now she’s completely lost as to what to get me lol.

1. Do y’all do this too or r u good about telling your loved one what you want?
2. What is it that you want for Christmas this year?

  1. my side of the family uses AirTable app for Christmas wish list.

    and then for my wife and I we use google docs.

    I just want a pixel watch or some clark’s chukka boots.

    She tells me it’s hard to buy me things too cuz i do be buying stuff for myself since i am the bread winner for now…

  2. A thank you and a compliment. Failing that, nothing that in all likelihood is just going to end up as more ‘stuff’, as in food, drink, or an experience.

  3. Nothing. Honestly, nothing. I probably won’t receive it, I think that my mother will likely get me something, but.. I don’t want it. I have bought what I want, and would much rather get presents for my kid. I don’t like getting gifts on a normal basis, and I especially don’t want them now. I don’t have room for any more STUFF. And I feel like at least for my wife and I, any money we spend on gifts is just money that is not going towards our bigger needs and wants, we’re just borrowing against that to have things to share.

  4. From my mom. Socks and underwear like I’ve gotten for probably 30 years lol. Used to hate it as a kid now I love it. Don’t hardly ever need to buy socks and underwear.

    Next would be whatever my kids make for me in school.

  5. My wife and I don’t really do a lot of gifts for each other. We are fortunate that we are able to afford things we need and still get things we want. We also have our incomes fully combined, so there is no difference between me buying somethng for her or her buying it for herself. If I can come up with a really thoughtful idea I will get something (and vice versa).

    For the big occasions, we usually get something big that we both want/need for the house, after discussing it and choosing together. Our most recent anniversary gift was a new stove top. A previous year, it was a new TV. We haven’t really talked about our plans for Christmas yet. It will probably be something smaller, in light of the stove top being pretty expensive.

  6. I won’t be getting anything nor will I buy anything. I’m too broke for that and tbh it makes me kinda sick to see people spend like crazy on stuff they don’t need just because they feel they have to. If I have time I’ll bake some cookies for my friends and coworkers but that’s about it. I’ll be working during the holidays so it will be like any day of the year and honestly I like it better like that.

  7. I just want my bills paid for a couple months. A break to save up and maybe have a down payment for some empty land somewhere to gift to my wife. With some white birch in it.

    I don’t want hobby stuff. The only hobby I have I don’t want to support the company anymore (WotC – IYKYK or look it up on /r/HobbyDrama).

    I just want to finally fulfill one of the big promises I’ve made my wife, but I can’t do that when bills go up every month and raises don’t. I’m perpetually behind. I’m back to doing Uber on the side of my 90k/year job.

  8. Either some muck boots, a hand plow, meat bags and a ring crimper, or new struts for my truck. Thats pretty much all I need.

  9. Just time without making me feel like I’m not doing “fatherly duties” so I can go Skiing/Biking with my friends 😉

  10. My birthday is right after christmas and last year I wished for a peacfull birthday, no guests, just me my son and my gf and we went bowling and a nice dinner.
    It was the best birthday in a long time. No visitors, no extended family, especially after christmas.
    I wished for the same this year. Fingers crossed

  11. I would like the book ‘we don’t embroider cushions here’ its a book with pictures about the iconic chair LC4 by Charlotte Perriand and Le Corbusier and all the times it was featured in erotic art.

  12. Half a day to myself — go to gym, hit the Korean spa/sauna. No kids, no responsibilities for a bit

  13. I am the same. If I want something, I’ll get it.

    My wife, as she is never able to buy me something, does things for me instead. She cooks elaborate meals and a big cake for me for the day, gives me a full body massage, and will do anything I ask. As I am not much of a gift receiving person, but an acts of service person, it’s always a good day. However, as she’s now cooking meals every day for both of us due to me working more, it may have to be something different next year.

  14. 1. No. I stop buying myself non-essentials for the last few months of the year so they can be Christmas presents from others. You listed a half dozen things that could have been on your Christmas list. And it has nothing to do with saving my own money on this stuff. I am enabling the joy in others of giving me something I actually want and avoid them a whole bunch of anxiety.

    It’s way better than the alternative, where they insist on buying something that I don’t actually want and they weren’t excited about giving anyway.

  15. I haven’t received Christmas gifts in quite a few years. It’s really something that belonged to my childhood.

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