I guess for me, I don’t want to mistake their actions, such as friendliness for what I’d assume is the likely intent, wanting to be friends.

At least, for someone in my situation, that’s how I’d operate?

  1. I guess if you think you could be friends, start mentioning things you plan on doing. If they express interest or start telling you about their plans and you are interested, then inquire about doing said thing.

    If they say no AND do not offer alternative dates or events after TWO times, they do not want to be friends. They are just friendly.

    Also the same goes for you. If they suggest something you are not interested in or are not available to do, offer alternatives.

  2. You might be thinking about this too much, as a result of being super focused on making friends or super focused on your career.

    Try finding people you can have fun with. Sports leagues are great, board game groups are great.

  3. Basicly any action that indicates they want to do something else with you outside the context you are now in.

    If it’s a co-worker and suggests going to the gym together.

    If you meet at gym and want to get a beer someday. Etc. Etc.

  4. I think the signs are pretty straightforward. They respond to you in conversation and seem interested.

    I think if you are interested in being friends, just ask!

    “Hey I’m looking for friends to hang out with, would you like to stay in touch?”

  5. “Hey, want to [do something fun]?” If they say yes, that’s a good sign. Seriously, quit trying to read tea leaves and just invite him to some activity that you would do with a friend.

  6. you may be so hyper focused on making friends, that it’s causing you to over complicate things.

    if the vibe is there, you’ll know dude.

  7. Also to watch out for is sometimes the other party is looking for something a bit more consensual.

    But yeah. Don’t force it. If you didn’t keep up with whoever growing up, your best bet is work friends. If you’re social or likable in any way, you’ll make friends.

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