I totally would! I would learn a lot about space saving and I’ve always been interested in tiny home living.

  1. Sure. It’s not my ideal situation since we both have gaming set ups but I’m sure we’d be able to make it work.

  2. I doubt it, personally. No matter what level our relationship is at I have a preference for separate rooms.

  3. That seems like a normal sized place to live. I’ve done it, it’s not hard.

  4. Living in a one bedroom wouldn’t be a problem. Having one bathroom would be an issue because I take forever to do my hair and makeup. It would be an issue if we both need the bathroom at the same time.

  5. Yes I would. Me and my ex lived together in a two bed one bath, but had a roommate, so me and him shared the second bedroom. We had occasional problems with chores, but they were resolved quickly. The only issue was I’m an introvert, and like my alone time. So I would just go for walks, or do activities alone when I needed time. It was an overall good experience.

  6. We did for the first year we were married. Once we started having kids we moved somewhere with more bedrooms. It really wasn’t a big deal

  7. Did it for years. It was fine. Having one bathroom wasn’t my favorite thing, but I didn’t have issues with anything else.

  8. Not if it weren’t for survival. My husband and I have our own bedrooms and I am not willing to give that up. I need my own space and it’s better for our relationship and family if we all have it.

  9. Hell no. I need my space.

    I could live in a 1/1 alone (for a little while) but certainly not with an SO. We’d be on top of each other.

  10. No, I like living by myself too much so I wouldn’t want to live with anyone. As someone who is very introverted, I value having a place where I can have my solitude, independence and privacy to unwind and recharge my social batteries.

  11. If I had to? Yeah.

    Do I want to? No. I wfh and 100% need a separate space for that for my own mental health.

    Also, SO takes f o r e v e r on the toilet.

  12. I *could* but I wouldn’t want to.

    It’s just not practical for us. We both work shift work – days, nights, and everything in between.

    We need the extra space so we don’t wake each other up when one of us is trying to sleep.

  13. I have and it was fine for me. I was very happy having us be together because it was the first apartment we moved into. I worked multiple jobs to afford getting it before they moved in with me. They were miserable the whole time. They complained about the size, the lack of personal space, and more.

    I thought getting a bigger apartment would solve that and a few years later moved into a 4 bedroom condo with a two car parking garage and three bathrooms. They were still miserable. It turned out that they were just a miserable person who chose to be unhappy all the time. So I divorced her.

    I now live alone in a roomy 2bd 2 bath with my cat and i couldnt be happier.

  14. Depends on the size of it. I currently live in a one bedroom one bath, and I wouldn’t even be able to share with a dog, much less another person. If it were bigger, though, I’d consider it.

  15. We did it for one year in San Francisco. I’m surprised we didn’t murder each other and I’m very grateful we didn’t have to quarantine together in that apartment.

  16. I’ve done it and am doing it. I didn’t realize we were doing anything unusual.

    We’re considering buying a house and the biggest obstacle so far is the limited availability of smaller homes. I absolutely do not want a large home. We’re hoping to find something between 650-800 sq ft. When I’ve looked at average or large homes, all I can think of is all the cleaning, all the furniture I’d presumably buy for rooms I’ll probably never use, and the fear of having to let people stay in our “spare room” when family visits.

  17. This my current set up. We’re going on 13 months now in the apartment. It’s been amazing so far.

  18. I live in a 1b by myself, but it would drive me crazy to live with someone else in such a tiny space.

  19. I currently do – downtown apartment in a HCOL city. Only one of use works from home so it’s not bad at all, and you get very accustomed to smaller square footage when you’ve been in a city for awhile living in apartments.

  20. Currently in this living situation! I don’t know, it seems like a perfectly normal amount of space so there isn’t anything odd about it to me. Most people I know that live with their SO are also in a 1bd, 1br deal

  21. Yeeeep – I live in a van with my partner. Small space living definitely comes with some unique relationship challenges but has been a fantastic experience for us.

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