What’s the concept of it?

  1. The concept is men are horny and want to pretend they’re too classy to just go to a strip club, or have at least the minimal amount of respect for their wife not to go to a strip club.

  2. The restaurant chain?

    Isn’t it obvious?

    Make good food, show sports on big ass TVs all over the place, get a bunch of attractive women in tight, revealing clothes to serve the food to the dudes watching sports on TV.


  3. The YouTube channel Company Man did a video about them recently you might want to check out. It covers the history of the company.

  4. It’s a restaurant where you can go eat mediocre food and see attractive women in skimpy clothing. Not really difficult to understand imo.

  5. It’s a sports bar. While not the best, I have a soft spot for their wings as I’ve grown up on them having lived near a hooters pretty much all my life. Hell I even like their crab legs. I wouldn’t even say “scantily” clothing. It’s just shorts and a tank top, I see less on people every where in hot ass Florida lol.

  6. It’s a mediocre chain restaurant with scantily clad servers selling shitty domestic beer to Andrew Tate fans.

  7. Hooters is like another term for boobs. It’s all about the staff having big titties and wearing a certain uniform while they serve you

  8. What’s hard to understand?

    * Men like meat.

    * Men like fried foods.

    * Men like seeing T&A.

  9. Wherever you’re from I’m absolutely sure you have equivalent brestaurants. Hooters isn’t even unique in America, they compete with twin peaks, tilted kilt, and many other similar restaurants .

  10. I used to think it was for the wings, but Chris Rock said it best, “No one goes to Hooters for wings!”

    The food is so-so, but the servers are attractive and they’re friendly (I know it’s part of the job). Also, they have ample TVs with sports going on and cold beer. It’s a decent place to watch a game with some buddies every once in a while.

    I know some people seem to think it’s objectifying women and what not, and I guess you could make the argument that it is. But a friend of mine worked at a Hooters back in college and was routinely pulling in over $1,000 in tips during the weekend. I worked nearly full time and struggled to $500 a week. She paid for her entire college, bought herself a car, and got a nice apartment from working there. She often told me that people felt bad for her, but she’d just tell them that she felt bad for them for busting their ass and not making any money.

  11. “Breastaurants” are hardly an American thing — see Japanese maid cafes and hostess clubs, Chilean cafe con piernas shops (“coffee with legs”), Betel nut stands in Taiwan, Karen’s Diner in the UK, and so own. And that’s just with 8 seconds of looking for them!

  12. The Japanese market Hooters as a cheerleader cosplay restaurant, and they aren’t entirely wrong.

  13. It’s exactly what it looks like. The hook is that the waitresses where skimpy clothing

  14. It is a place where 40+ year old men can go and stare at waitresses that are young enough to be their daughter. I find this type of place completely disgusting. Each one of those kids is someone’s little girl.

  15. One excellent point of them is that if someone frequents them, it’s a great way to weed them out of your dating pool

  16. It’s a place for sad dudes to see (mostly) attractive women and eat crappy food. The men pay, and the women flirt with them a little. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

  17. To remind women and girls we are second class citizens and to embolden boys and men to be entitled rape culture jerks.

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