What is/was your least favorite thing about having casual sex as a college student?

  1. Hard to choose just one thing, but the fact that men in their early-to-mid-20s are usually bad in bed *and* bad conversationalists is such a cruel reality. The bad sex would feel more worth it if the conversation was good, or vice-versa, but it was so rare that I encountered someone at that age who was decent at either thing, let alone both.

  2. Men who are 26-30 who are going for college girls solely because the women their age would never date them

  3. I didn’t like seeing him on campus. And being seen with him in public😭 It was so embarrassing for what

  4. I never felt dirty or anything but sometimes I felt bad for indulging myself. Nothing was worse when a guy catches feelings.

  5. A lot of time, college guys see it as an ego boost. I have had so many guys “show me music” that would “change my life” and it’s literally a band I listened to in 6th grade. I had one guy play me the guitar, it wasn’t Wonderwall but it might as well have been. Like, I don’t think you’re that interesting buddy, we’re both obviously here to quickly fuck and then go back to the party. I’m not trying to explain my thesis to *you*, why are you explaining it to *me*?

  6. Guys not understanding that hooking up doesn’t mean -to me- he’s going to spend the night in my student apartment lol like just do the extremely bad business and fuck off.

  7. I truly enjoyed getting far more in high school than in college. College guys start thinking they want to marry you. High school guys are always ready to go and a quick knock-out in secret places during lunch break brings back lots of good memories!

  8. Ugh…guys would do one of two things. Either act like they barely knew me when I’d run into them afterwards, or they would get all clingy and think they were in love.

    In my experience there was no middle ground where they’d act like a fucking grownup.

  9. College aged guys usually don’t have much experience and are more selfish in bed comparatively to the guys I sleep with these days. I almost never had an orgasm with a partner in college unless I did 90% of the work myself. Now I have at least one every time bc guys with experience are much better at oral and more open to bringing in toys etc.

  10. College aged guys have really gross apartments. I lived in a girls only dorm, so I couldn’t bring anyone back to my place.

  11. All of it. It was awkward, painful, and never worth it. I never got anything out of it but I was so deep in the manosphere that I thought it was okay. Fuck that.

  12. The complete and total lack of emotional maturity or basic human dignity of how college aged men treat women they want to casually hook up with. Like just because I don’t want to marry you doesn’t mean I’m not a human being you should treat politely with basic courtesy and social norms.

  13. I was lucky to get men who were good in bed unlike the majority here. The least fave was having to find a place to hook up. None of us had apartments and we all lived with parents so it was a challenge. I once snuck out of a second floor balcony to dodge someones grandma.

  14. I mean the sex more often than not was just not good. But I also would catch feelings easily and was mostly having all that sex seeking validation and love so it wasn’t good for me, emotionally.

  15. Guys having no common courtesy, giving their bathroom a wipe down before coming over, having one clean towel, not serving me plain half cooked pasta and then broccoli 30 minutes later because he had no time management skills.

  16. The awkwardness. I lost my v card in college to a casual hookup, who was also a virgin. Neither of us had any idea what we were doing or had any idea how to put on a condom. First attempt resulted in something that resembled a balloon animal stuck halfway on his dick and did not improve with further attempts. Then once the condom part was figured out, he couldn’t actually get it in because neither of us had the foresight to bring lube and I was dry as a bone. After 20 minutes of increasing frustration we ended up quitting and just watching the Simpsons together. Then we both went home, did some research, and did a take two a few days later. Much better results but dear god my soul cringes when I think about that first time

  17. Favorite: so many beautiful black men to choose from. (I went to college in Atlanta)

    Least favorite: guys thinking I want to be their girlfriend just because I made their toes curl and their eyes roll back.

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