Hello, me and my girlfriend (both 20) are trying improve our deepthroating sessions, but it is hard both for me and her. She told me that in her previous relation she didn’t have any problem in pushing it all the way down, but I have a bigger size than her previous boyfriend, plus my penis is slightly bended downwards, so that might make things more difficult. We are both very turned on by the idea of deepthroat, but when she does it to me I mostly feel a resistance on her throat on the tip of my penis and not much pleasure, and she can’t push it down much. We also tried the position with her laying on the bed facing upwards, but that made things even more difficult than her staying on her knees. Do you have any tips to help us improve? What can she do, and what can I do with my penis in order to make it easier for her to push it down (and actually feel pleasure)? Thank you

  1. Not into deepthroating, but wouldn’t a downward penis make it easier? The throat doesn’t point up after all. Have you ever tried those numbing sprays?

  2. If your dick is angled downward, her oriented the same way as you (on her knees for example) is going to work better because that’s the direction her throat is going. There’s tips for this in the faq which is incredibly difficult to find here, it might be a minuscule link in the community rules? It should for sure be a link in the auto mod response to every post.

    Also worth considering is that bodies have limits and it just may not work out for the two of you.

  3. Just to add – if you can find the faq or do a search of this community you’ll find tons of posts on this.

    Also, do not use a numbing spray, it’s a great way to injure your partners throat.

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