Its really hard to keep up with humour and i usually need a break down to understand whats going on. How do I say that i dont prefer comedy/humour inclined people?

  1. You tell them they’re not funny till they give up trying to force their comedy deep inside of you without your consent

  2. I’m naturally a funny person and enjoy a good sense of humor. My humor can even be called a little dark. I don’t try to be funny or make people laugh. I’m just honest. But if someone doesn’t catch on I don’t hold it against them and move on. Some really can’t understand humor. What I don’t care for is you not getting a joke asking me to explain than being a jerk about not getting it. I found something funny and you should be happy for me. To say you don’t prefer people who can crack a joke and find humor in life is a bit weird but to each their own. I hope you find humorless dry friends that sit around and talk about weather and philosophy or what none funny people enjoy talking about. 😂🫡

  3. I like humor when I’m in the mood for it. Just don’t try to make me laugh. Your bad attempts at humor to lighten the mood are not commendable.

  4. I don’t know man, you are asking for people to not be human. In some form or another, everyone needs humour, you not being able to understand probably means either you need to work on your humor understanding skills or maybe it really is out of your experience kind of humor that people use with around you so you can’t probably can’t do much except change your location.

  5. I get what the OP means. Sometimes funny people can get annoying or tiring after a while. But I still think it’s healthy to laugh really hard about something At least once a day. Just for your mental health. So sprinkle it in there like seasoning salt. 👍

  6. I feel like this is potentially an Aspergers or ND type issue….have you looked into this?

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