Okay so my question for the females is are you verbal during sex to the point that you let your SO know that you are about to orgasm? I always let mine know when I’m about to cum and I feel like it just intensifies the moment and makes it that much better for me and for him. And then my question for the guys is do you enjoy when your partner lets you know that she is about to orgasm or that she is currently cumming? Does it turn you on more to know the exact moment when it’s happening? Just a curious question because I feel like there are a lot of women who rather not say when it’s happening or kind of just leave there person in the unknown on whether they climaxed or not. And I feel like we always hear men saying how they are unsure if their SO had an orgasm.

  1. Guy here. My SO announces when she’s about to cum and it’s great. Only challenge is that every time she says she’s about to cum it makes it 100 times more difficult for me not to cum. So yes I find it a turn on to the point where it nearly causes me to instantly orgasm. Knowing she’s about to cum also means I can adjust what I’m doing to help her have a much longer fuller orgasm.

  2. Communication is important so I always let him know just before I start to fully orgasm. That way he knows when he’s finding exactly the right spot.

  3. I already know how close she is because on the edge is one of the places we like to play. But, it’s nice to hear it sometimes, it’s pretty hot 😉👍

  4. I love to let him know how I am feeling. I believe it helps both of us feel better and enjoy it more.

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