What are the thoughts on a guy you go on a date with, it goes well, but you don’t hear from him, he doesn’t follow you on social media but he still watches your stories on your social media (he goes out of his way to look)…but again you don’t hear from him…

  1. He’s not that interested.

    Watching someone’s social media posts is easy, low effort. It doesn’t mean anything other than he’s probably sitting on his phone bored somewhere.

  2. That strikes me as second guessing, or some FOMO. Like the guy isn’t sure he made the right call in ghosting, so now he’s checking up to see what he missed out on. But of course he doesn’t want you to know he’s checking up on you, and that’s the bit that makes it creepy.

  3. Maybe i am in the minority here however i wont date anyone who updates or posts about their life daily. First it seems fake to me and second it feels like a attention/validation seeker both of which leads to unhealthy relationships.

  4. Interest looks like interest, effort looks like effort. Looking at your social media might be curiosity, doing research whether he wants to date you, or just boredom.

    What matters is, he’s not asking you out, and not communicating. So, he’s not interested.

    Don’t try to figure it out, beyond that.

  5. I don’t think it means anything OP! I think, like someone else mentioned, they’re not that interested but just seeing what’s up, what they could be missing, etc. When I really like someone, I actually won’t look at their socials because it makes me think about them more and what they’re doing without me – if that makes sense! I’ve also had people (I am bisexual) just blatantly delete me if they like me and it’s not reciprocated because they’re noticing I’m not look at their stories (showing interest and told by them!!!); like rage-quit following me essentially. So I don’t think this is an ooooo he’s actually interested moment!

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