1. Me and my crush went to a restaurant. It wasn’t a date, but we were friends so I talked casually and tried to be funny.

2.She wanted to split the bill but I said I will pay for it and let her know how much she should pay me later

3. I texted her only the tax amount cos i wanted to pay for her food.

4. She asked why so low and I said I’m feeling nice and that I hate the government so I don’t want to pay taxes. I didn’t want her to think I treated this as a date, while also being nice.

5. She laughed and went “whaaat?? lololol ur crazy 💀😂”

6. I also told her about ancapism. I told her I liked it because I can just steal money by raiding billionaires with a gang. It was stupid so she found it funny again and asked me why I didn’t expect them to have tanks.

I make weird or dark jokes in front of her and other friends. She knows my sense of humor and the stuff i say can be nuts though i do it on purpose to entertain.

  1. It doesn’t sound like you’re actually asking for advice so much as you just want to tell everybody how it’s going, which
I guess you had to be there?

  2. Wtf is politically rizz? This whole interaction sounds kinda cringy, you sent her a bill for the tax? I guess I just don’t get it.

    Also confused on, not a date so I talked casual and funny? How do you talk on a date?

  3. Let me get this straight…

    You paid the restaurant i.e. a capitalist.

    But you don’t want to pay taxes that get distributed for programs and services.

    Username does not check out.

    Nor does your ancap diatribe.

    0/10 rizz

  4. You should have just let her pay portion and kept it moving. Texting the tax amount she owed ? Yeah I personally would have blocked you

  5. Imagine being 14 and thinking that “edgy” political statements that make you look uninformed is somehow equivalent to charisma đŸ€Ł

  6. No I don’t so. If you go out of your way telling her you don’t want to date her, she will probably assume you’re not interested. That just how crazy some people are.

    And I have no idea what political rizz is but if you mean that you joked about robbing billionaires, then no, I don’t think that was a dealbreaker.

    But just be wary, the guy explaining weird ideological concepts he totally believes and thinks the current system is fucked up while doing nothing to not live in it gets pretty lame to women who have turned 20, so live in this era of your life while you can.

  7. Like others said, you’re 14, so only someone your age can do what you did.

    Wait until you’re an adult. Then you have to pay tax by law.

  8. No. If anything, your immaturity and lack of establishing your motives killed it. I’m guessing it was dead long before as you probably failed to initiate a flirting routine to build attraction and have probably been friendzoned. All hope is not lost, but I won’t lie, it’s a major uphill battle for you. Check the “should I tell her” pinned post on my profile.

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