Who was your biggest unrequited love?

  1. A friend of mine. She was older, I couldn’t help but fall a little even know she was married to a man. Never told her how I felt because I knew she’d never consider it.

  2. An old friend. Don’t think I’ll ever again feel what I felt for that man. Had to take a looooong break from interacting with him at all as I realised I’d never get over him otherwise, and I was also terrified that he’d eventually notice.

  3. My first crush in elementary school. The feelings weren’t reciprocated but he was kind about it.

  4. My best friend.

    I loved him for over a decade. Even after I was married with kids my heart still screamed for him. Then I got really drunk and told him and he rejected me. It hurt a lot and I cried alone until I fell asleep. I’ve been to therapy though and I think I’m doing better. Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if I could have run off with him.

  5. Currently enduring a three year crush on a coworker who has no idea. Or at least I hope. She’s older, married and I just try to avoid her.

  6. A friend of mine who I pined after for more than ten years, and still feel attracted to today. (His eyes are full of daydreams.) He indirectly rejected me by telling me about his feelings for his roommate…

    …so of course, since I really did love him, I told him to go for it and gassed him up and gave him tips. They dated for a while, then broke up, and I was happily committed to someone else by then.

    Now I’m happily married and he has a boyfriend, so we’re just social media friends. I doubt he was ever attracted to me and I was too scared to ask, but I still care about him deeply and I hope his boyfriend is The One because I want him to be happy.

  7. A professor of mine.

    After I got divorced I decided to go back to school to finish my undergraduate degree in psychology (at 33… took me 12 years!).

    I was the oldest in his class and he was maybe a couple of decades older. We slowly bonded over the first few months and I became absolutely fascinated by this man.

    We hung out, definitely some flirting here and there. He was showing all the signs of attraction, but when I mustered up the courage to make a move, he politely rejected me…

    Oh well!

  8. Teacher from primary school (ages 5-10).

    Had her as my teacher age 8, then again at 10.

    Thought she was the hottest woman ever to exist.

    All because she didn’t just merely acknowledge my existence but made such a difference in my life that I couldn’t help but fall head over heels for her.

    Still think of her in an even greater light, due to the 45 years of life experience I’ve had since then.

  9. A casual rebound I had for a few months. He wasn’t anything special i just loved being near him. Ill always wonder if it was him or his ability to bring me to orgasm multiple times EVERY time.

  10. Depends on the love.

    I’ve never felt loved may accepted or even really apart of my family. I’ve tried doing things their way, being an active participant in their religion, customs and way they do things. Still fell flat.

    Yet romantically, perhaps the relationship I’m in now. I’ve really started to feel alone. Even when they ask, I feel like they’re not actually interested in my world.

  11. A past best friend. I loved him for years. I told him in the beginning when it was still just a crush but he rejected me while keeping it ambiguous, saying maybe in the future. It hurt a lot when I decided to stop talking to him because our friendship was not healthy anymore. There was a constant push and pull where my feelings would grow, he’d reject me, I’d back off, he’d make a move or hint at something more, just to back away again. A constant cycle. It was torture. I cried so much but decided enough was enough when I found out he was dating someone and never told me, just continued the push and pull. When I asked him about her, he said they weren’t dating but he was committed. So you tell me, is that not what dating is? Anyways, I realized that he probably was just keeping me around for nothing expect to play with.

  12. He spent two years or so being absolutely incredible to me and I thought he was just my best friend. He was the person I trusted with everything. I swear I could physically feel the moment he was in a car wreck- I thought “something is wrong” and he texted me immediately after to tell me. I was chatting with a friend and realized oh, I’m in love with him. He hasn’t been treating me just as a friend. I went to school so excited to tell him the next day and he had moved on. We stayed in touch, chatted that we’d always care for each other, but he went away not long after and it never happened. He’s happy with a family these days and it makes me smile to see he got the life he wanted and deserved. 💜

  13. My best friend when I was early 20s/late teens. Couldn’t stand her ex boyfriend and could never explain why. Once while goofing around I punched him in the kidney by accident. (We were goofing around and I didn’t realise where I hit him and how hard). Turns out later on he had been cheating on her with her best friend.
    I told her how I felt after they broke up but she was already with someone else. I cried myself to sleep that night, I had feelings for her for 3 years. It genuinely ripped me apart.
    Years later I moved past it, remained friends with her and reconnected after I got her new number.

  14. When I was about 13-14 there was a boy who lived in my neighborhood but didn’t go to school with me because he and his siblings were homeschooled. I had such a huge crush on him because he was very cute and kind of mysterious. He would mow people’s lawns in the neighborhood as a summer job. He never mowed our lawn because my dad refused to pay someone to do that, but he mowed our elderly neighbors’ lawn regularly. Every time he was there, I would watch him out the windows the whole time, and sometimes wave or yell hi to him when he was done. One time, after months of psyching myself up, I finally asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime. He said sure, now I know he just probably didn’t know how to say no, and I gave him my number. He never called or texted. For a moment I wondered if he had lost my number or something, but he knew where I lived. Big oof.

  15. My best childhood friend we both have feelings for each other but things never worked out. Either I was in relationship at the time or she was. We both are married now but agreed if our husbands pass away before use we’ll get together and have a few furbabies in our old age.

  16. I’d say I’m going through it right now. My closest friend right now who is married, an unhappy marriage but regardless he wants kids and I don’t.

  17. There was this one guys when I was high school that I was crushing on even years after high school and after he got married. As soon as I heard he was married, my heart hurt but after several months I was able to let him go.

    Edit: he and his wife have two beautiful sons.

  18. I was totally in love with my best friends bf… Then fiance… Then husband… Sigh

  19. How about everyone I’ve ever liked? Better luck next time I guess 🙃

    But the *longest time* was a colleague. Over 3 years. Very hard to get over someone when you’re dealing with them often with no end in sight. Covid kind of paused things and dragged it out and I missed him, now he doesn’t come around much for work or events. Eventually you get over someone you never see I guess. I never tried so technically don’t know *for sure* he didn’t reciprocate, but some would argue the silence and eventual lack of effort is answer enough, though he was flirty at times but that could just be his personality.

    I wish I invested my energy elsewhere. Pined over this dude and lost my mid-20s.

  20. This one guy in college that I could never get a read on. I liked him a lot and all my friends were convinced he liked me back. But then his texts (or lack thereof) told a completely different story. He was especially hard to get over because everyone around me made me believe he liked me but honestly looking back I really don’t think he did

  21. When I was 4 I was the flower girl for my godmother’s wedding and the ring boy was a family friend. We said we would get married one day. We stayed friends but lost touch when he moved states when we were 13. It’s been almost 10 years since we’ve last talked. We both have kids now and I think he’s married but the hopeless romantic in me will always wonder if we could be endgame.

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