A friend is visiting London for work and staying at the London Marriott Hotel Regents Park. I’m travelling over to see them for the weekend and looking to save some cash. Their booking is a single room through work, non-changeable. Is it realistic to sneak in and stay in their room for the weekend without being a guest?

  1. Yes though you may be forced out by a cleaner on the second day, temporarily, and have to return later. Depending on the hotel policy, still you can leave the do not disturb on .

  2. I’m fairly sure the London Marriott does room inspections each evening after guests have gone to bed to ensure the proper occupancy.

    Of course you will fine.

  3. Probably no-one will care about you being in the room in such a hotel.

    Be careful about eating breakfast at the hotel if it’s booked as a single room, since some hotels do track how many people go to breakfast from each room and may either deny one of you or charge the extra breakfast to the room (which would get your friend into trouble if it reached their company). Either get breakfast elsewhere, or arrange to pay for your own hotel breakfast separately.

  4. I guarantee the hotel staff have had to deal with *far* shadier stuff every single week. They
    Won’t care.

  5. Stow away in a suitcase, get your friend to wheel you in.

    Definitely take some snacks and a piss bottle though, if someone helps them with their bag you may be left in temporary storage for a while. I hear help like this is common in fancy places, although I’ve never been to much more than a premier inn so i cant be 100% sure on that.

    The key to this though is cut out two leg holes so in case your get ruffled you can run away quickly.

  6. Yes, just check in independently while your friend goes for a coffee or something. Maybe bring some of their stuff with you if you want, so they don’t need to carry it around.

    Then go out, and come back a bit later with them. Just don’t be too obvious so that your friend is obviously hanging around outside waiting for you to check in.

    I once learned the Marriott in my city had conference room with tea/coffee facilities permanently set up throughout the day. Occasionally, when I was a student, I’d just confidently walk in and get the lift and go enjoy free coffee in an empty conference room in a free period. I thought I was being really clever, confidently walking past reception like I owned the place, but in hindsight the hotel staff probably assumed I was a sex worker visiting one of their paying guests.

  7. No. The butler hides in the wardrobe and pops his head out every hour on the hour to check nobody as sneaked in

  8. You’ll be fine

    I stayed in quite a fancy hotel and invited a friend to stay with me, who brought an air bed. The hotel staff made up the air bed with a full set of bedding during the turn down service and left extra towels.

  9. It can be done but you will need to find a Marriott uniform, a large suitcase, and six gold coins.

  10. You’ll be fine. One of my LPTs when travelling is if you need the toilet but can’t find a public one just go into a large hotel and usually there will be one in the lobby.

  11. I read it and thought…does he mean sneak in without paying (like the wild old days of the 80s)


    But if your friend is staying there its not even “sneaking in” you’re golden…no-one will notice, no-one will care…your mate could even ask for an extra room pass and they’ll give him one…its a no-brainer…he’s pad for the room…that’s all the hotel cares about.

    You might end up forking out for breakfast if they’re being particularly attentive but 50% of the time you can just wander in and get one without being asked name/room number.

  12. Everyone else is making out like you’re stupid for asking, but I’ve been to two different hotels that when you get in after a night out theres a bouncer with a list of names who are booked in at the hotel and if your name isn’t on the list you either have to pay for a room or leave.

    I’d definitely risk it regardless

  13. You don’t need to sneak in. Just walk straight in with them like you’re meant to be there

  14. Easy to do, no sneaking required. But don’t be surprised if they have a ‘double occupancy’ charge to pay when they check out

  15. As an aside, if there’s a fire make sure you get out. The management won’t know you’re there so will tell fire crews everyone’s accounted for. If there’s significant spread of fire or smoke you’ll be shit out of luck.

  16. They don’t have single rooms, all their rooms are big enough for two. However most room types only have one (large) bed, so unless your friend asks for a twin room, you would need to check whether they like you enough to share their bed.

    Marriott may or may not care, but it’s unlikely they’d notice.

  17. They don’t really care at hotels. Hookers and rent boys are ordered to the rooms, so unless you’re a nuisance, they won’t care.

  18. You should probably ask your friend if it’s ok to stay. Most people would be alarmed at someone sneaking into their room.

  19. You’ll be fine, they will just assume the resident is riding you and you are a budget hooker/rental.

  20. Your friend should crate himself and get someone to post him to the hotel, drill some oxygen holes and get out when the crate is delivered. Bonus as well, no travel costs.

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