Every Girl i had sex with (3) had pain. Two of them even bled a little bit from time to time. I think it is because of my pubic hair, since they are pretty thick and dense. I already tried everything from freshly shaved to not shaving for over two months and nothing helped, my current girlfriend still has, sometimes very intense, pain during intercourse. She already went to the gynecologist and was told that everythings fine with her. I am thinking about getting my pubic hair lasered. Has anyone else had the problem of pain because of male pubic hair and could share their experience?

  1. It’s not your pubic hair. What’s made you think this?

    Are you particularly big?

    Could be a technique thing, you might just be too rough. Hitting the cervix too hard can definitely cause a small amount of bleeding but it’s good your gf got checked out.

    Try being more gentle, lots and lots of foreplay, and using a lot of lube and see what happens.

  2. Regularly applying hair conditioner may help make your hair softer. For me it works on my pubic hair, arm pits, and beard. You might also try keeping your hair shorter but not so short it’s prickly.

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