My boyfriend (or I guess ex-boyfriend) broke up with me last night. It was very out of the blue and caught me off guard. I am devastated and heartbroken. For some context, we have only been dating (officially) for about 2(ish) months but have been seeing each other since August. We also live in South Korea (I am from Canada, and he is Korean).


**Some background info:**
At the end of October, I got into a car accident. I was very shaken, and the first thing I did was call my boyfriend because I was scared and I didn’t know who else to call. I called him and he was very understanding and thoughtful, he told me he would take care of the insurance and to not worry about anything. My Korean speaking skills aren’t amazing but they aren’t terrible. But I was just in an accident, in a foreign country, and my brain was on fire so I wasn’t thinking clearly enough to be able to navigate calling my insurance, calling the tow truck, and talking to the police. My boyfriend basically took care of everything for me at that time and I was extremely grateful.

Since that time, he has been helping me navigate getting a new car (my car was totalled in the accident), dealing with insurance, and going to the hospital for treatment since I was also injured in the accident. He has been there with me every step of the way. Throughout this process, I always expressed my gratitude, whether that was verbally, physically, or monetary. I always made sure he knew how much I appreciated everything he was doing for me. I never wanted him to feel like I was taking advantage of him.

I bought him expensive dinners, paid for hotels (we live 2 hours apart), and I wrote him a letter expressing my gratitude and expressing how much I cared about him. This was not a one-sided relationship. Although the trajectory of our relationship was moving a bit fast I thought we both really cared for each other. We even told each other we loved each other. We would spend every weekend together and it was honestly perfect. He was very affectionate, loving, and caring, and we had a lot of fun together.

**The Breakup:**
Then suddenly, about two weeks ago I could feel the vibes were off. He was texting me less often, he wasn’t as affectionate via text as he usually was. He wasn’t complimenting me or saying he missed me anymore. I felt like something was wrong, but I also have an anxious attachment style so I tried to bury the feeling. I thought I was just being weird and anxious for no reason. But yesterday I finally got the courage to ask if anything was wrong with him because I felt like we’d been growing distant.

He messaged me back saying basically that it was too much for him to help me all the time and that it was just too much for him to deal with. I felt like he was saying I was not worth the effort to help. I told him I was sorry he felt that way and I agreed that I was relying on him a lot and I should be more self-reliant. He said he wanted to break up because even if we stayed together it wouldn’t last. I can understand him feeling overwhelmed helping me. But also I never begged him to help, he just offered. I always made sure he knew how much I appreciated it. The car accident/insurance stuff is over now and there really is nothing left to deal with at this point in time.

On the one hand, I understand his feelings, he is busy with work and has his own responsibilities. But on the other hand, it wasn’t like I was constantly nagging him to help me with shit. I just feel like trash now and my heart is broken. So what do you think? My sister said he was just giving a random excuse to break up with me. I feel like if someone genuinely cares and loves you they’d be willing to help you in an extremely difficult time. I would have done anything for him if he had asked. I don’t know, what do you think?

TLDR: my (ex)boyfriend broke up with me because he didn’t want to deal with helping me after I got into a car accident.

  1. I am sorry for your pain. It doesn’t matter if it was “justified” or not. Everyone in a relationship has a right to end it at any time for any reason/s. Those reasons don’t have to make sense to the partner. Please don’t tear it apart trying to read more into it and instead focus on healing. It’s not worth stressing over.

  2. your sister is right. If he wanted to be there for all that(and he showed up like he did)… that’s now changed. judging by the timeframe of your relationship im thinking he is just love bombing his new “key to happiness”. If your account is accurate then you dodged a bullet with him, he was only ever “there” very conditionally, while you where shiny and new.

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