I am 15 I have had a problem with my mouth that hurts my communication skills, and makes me hard to hear sometimes. Additionally I have been made fun of this defect that I have for a long time in school. Secondly, I have bullied for having a baby face, making me seem younger than I am. One time someone said I looked like Hasbula. If I say something out of place which I do often I get looks. Is their a way where I can prevent this and get more people to like me, besides the very few close friends that I have?

  1. If they don’t like you for that then you didn’t need them in your life. Don’t worry about being cool – not that many people are and those that are might not always be.

  2. “Coolness” is really more about confidence than anything else. It’s counterintuitive, but the coolest people I know don’t care about being cool, they’re just good people with a good attitude who treat everyone around them well and with respect. It helps a lot to have some quality or skill that people admire – like being naturally funny, or skilled at art or technology etc.

    My advice: don’t worry too much about what others think of you, and instead figure out what your strengths are and focus on them as a hobby. Do you have a knack for art? Into playing/making music? Like tinkering with electronics/robotics? Maybe you’re really into photography or making videos? Try ’em all out, and when you find something you enjoy enough to get good at… get good at it. That + a fun/positive attitude + being a good friend will all make you really cool no matter what disabilities are in your way.

    Keep your chin up, homie, you got this!

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