Title sums it up really – dated a girl for 3 months late last year. Got a gf now but this other girl just requested me. I’m kinda a nosey person so i want to follow back but is that wrong now i have a gf?

  1. Providing validation for no reason to some girl behind your girlfriend’s back is weak and shows poor character.

  2. It’s only wrong if you’re going to cheat. People in relationships are allowed to have friends, including friends they used to date. It’s only bad if you’re doing it to cheat or lead someone on.

  3. nosy about what?. instagram tells you nothing about a person’s life. do some reflection there op🤔

  4. She’s requesting you to get back in your pants. You’re going to let that happen while you have a gf? Do you have any respect for her?

  5. This happened to my bf when we started dating. He told me that his ex followed him on IG, he obviously didn’t follow her back and she retracted the request a while later. She knew he had a new gf, because we bumped into her a couple of times, since we lived in a small town and it was inevitable.

    I did not tell him to either follow her back nor did I get angry and tell him to ignore her. It was purely his decision and it was the right one.

  6. I think if you’re asking this question, you already know the answer. I think it’s admirable that you’re giving it thought because some guys would just do it without a second thought, hoping their gf wouldn’t notice.

    It depends on what kind of relationship y’all have. Is your curiosity really worth hurting her feelings?

  7. A guy I previously dated requested to follow me and I accepted due to being nosey. He had a partner and kid and everything. I don’t know why he wanted to follow me but he never reach out either so I guess that remains a mystery

  8. Your not nosey your attracted to her … why else would you accept it ? How would you feel if your gf did the same thing?

  9. I mean if it was a while again and her feed is dogs and memes and such as opposed to bikini photos, it shouldn’t be much of an issue.

  10. lol, *nosey.* This other girl is putting herself in a position where you 2 can maybe date again. I’d not add her at all. Just reject the request.

  11. Why are you asking us instead of your gf? If she is fine with it, no problem. If she is uncomfortable with the idea, accept her boundary and (this is very important) don’t argue with her about it and causing a misunderstanding that this is so important to you that you will disregard her feelings

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