what gets you out of bed in the morning?

  1. Having to go to work so that I can be sure I have enough money to be able to continue going back to bed again in a place of my own for a long time to come.

  2. I don’t think you gonna get any meaningful reaction on this as nobody getting out of bed to be productive for society… it’s because we have to that we get out of bed to stay alive in a somewhat comfortable way.

  3. There is stuff I need to do and things I want to do. None of them I can do when staying in bed. Also its boring in bed and uncomfortable if you never get out.

  4. death if i just wasted my life death wont feels as good it would feel like i wasted my life on nothing sleeping late and stuff but death the sweet releif knowing i will never wake up for work just sweet silence

  5. Those first few seconds when I forget who I am, followed by remembering who I am and dragging my caffinated corpse to work

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